Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Levels of Needs in WheelWorks, Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Levels of Needs in WheelWorks, Inc - Case Study Example The need of esteem is also met because Wheelworks has employees who are motivated to help people in getting the correct product, without any ulterior motives. Finally, as the employees operate with perfect motivation to sell the cycles, without thinking about the incentives, the need of self-actualization formalizes. â€Å"Both self-actualization and esteem can only be realized in a participative workplace which fosters intrinsic motivation† (Pojidaeff, 1995).   According to Frederick Herzberg’s theory, factors that cause job satisfaction and motivation were quite different from the factors, which lead to job dissatisfaction. â€Å"He called the satisfiers motivators and the dissatisfiers hygiene factors† ( According to Herzberg, motivators such as achievement and the resultant recognition lead to job satisfaction, while Hygiene factors such as inadequate salary could cause job dissatisfaction. Inside Wheelworks, there are a lot of satisfiers or motivators. Majority of the employees in Wheelworks in their personal life are bikes lovers and so they enjoy talking about bikes. As their job entitles to talk about the bikes to the prospective customers, they are optimally motivated to do that job. So, their personality works as a main motivator to optimize their performance. The hygiene factor that could cause dissatisfaction is, the employees in Wheelworks will find it difficult to become rich or financially stable quickly.

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