Saturday, August 17, 2019

Engineering management Essay

1. Department/Program Mission The mission of the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department is to Equip individuals with engineering, management and systems expertise to prepare them to be leaders in the identification and solution of technical and organizational problems that are complex and evolving Conduct innovative and pioneering research that continues to expand the body of knowledge in Engineering Management and systems engineering while maintaining engineering discipline diversity. Expand the boundaries of Engineering Management and systems engineering through our service to the professional community at large and through relationships with industry. 2. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) a. Campus-Wide Student Learning Outcomes: Programs must demonstrate that their graduates have: I. an ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. II. an ability to think critically and analyze effectively. III. an ability to apply disciplinary knowledge and skills in solving critical problems. ability to function in diverse learning and working environments. V. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. VI. an awareness of national and global contemporary issues. VII. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning. b. Engineering Management Program Outcomes developed to address ABET outcomes a – k and campus wide outcomes (a) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the solution of Engineering Management problems. (b) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to design and conduct experiments related to operations, marketing, management and finance, as well as to analyze and interpret data. (c) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to carry out the design of an operational system and its various components and processes for Engineering Management applications. (d) Engineering Management graduates will understand the importance of teams, know how to develop effective teams and have an ability to function on teams. (e) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve Engineering Management problems. (f) Engineering Management graduates will have an understanding of professional ethical responsibility. (g) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to communicate effectively individually and in teams. (h) Engineering Management graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering and enterprise solutions in a global and societal context. (i) Engineering Management graduates will recognize the need for and have an ability to engage in life-long learning. (j) Engineering Management graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues related to Engineering Management. (k) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 3. Curriculum Mapping to Campus and/or Program Outcomes Performance Criterion Evaluated in Course(s) Maps to Campus Learning Outcomes a Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the solution of engineering management problems. a. 1. Creates and analyzes quantitative charts and graphs and incorporates information into managerial decision-making systems. 266/299 3 a. 2 Identifies and uses appropriate modeling tools in the solution of quantitative problems. 251/253 3 a. 3 Applies quantitative models to specific problem categories and classifications. 253 3 a. 4 Uses a firm’s accounting system in making management decisions. 147 3 a. 5 Uses financial ratio analysis, financial forecasting, valuation of assets, time value of money, capital budgeting and cost of capital concepts to solve engineering management problems. 147 3 b Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to design and conduct experiments related to operations, marketing, management and finance, as well as to analyze and interpret data. b. 1 Designs an operation system and analyzes and interprets data relative to the designed system. 253 2 b. 2 Analyzes operational and financial data of organizations in case studies and organizational profiles. 251/260 2 b. 3 Conducts research related to publicly traded firms and applies financial tools to evaluate the firm as a possible investment choice. 147 2 c. Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to carry out the design of an operational system and its various components and processes for engineering management applications. c. 1 Identifies operational problem and design solutions to the problem using the appropriate quantitative and qualitative models and methods. 253/266 2 c. 2 Designs and critiques a marketing plan with typical components, while recognizing intra-firm involvements and implications. 251 2 d Engineering Management graduates will understand the importance of teams, know how to develop effective teams and have an ability to function on teams. d. 1 Functions as team player by fulfilling appropriate duties, sharing workload, communicating well and taking initiative. 251/254/260 4 d. 2 Conducts effective and efficient meetings. 254 4 e Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering management problems. e. 1 Develops model for making management decisions. 251 3 e. 2 Identifies and analyzes engineering management problems related to case studies, current events, and real-life scenarios, and recommends solutions to problems. 251/260/266. 3 f Engineering Management graduates will have an understanding of professional ethical responsibility. f. 1 Demonstrates knowledge of engineering code of ethics or other relevant code and applies code to case studies. 134 5 f. 2 Identifies an ethical dilemma and suggests a general course of action. 134/251 5 f. 3 Recognizes far-reaching implications of ethical behavior with respect to all organizational stakeholders. 299 5 g Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to communicate effectively individually and in teams. g. 1. Effectively communicates in oral presentations. 254/299 1 g. 2 Demonstrates proficiency in communication through team presentations. 254/299 1 g. 3 Demonstrates command of the written and spoken word in required technical reports and presentations. 254 1 g. 4 Understands impact of how difference in communication styles can lead to barriers in communication. 134 1 h Engineering Management graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering and enterprise solutions in a global and societal context. h. 1. Understands concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and can give examples to illustrate concept. 134/299 6 h. 2 Effectively analyzes case and determines the impact on all stakeholders. 260 6 h. 3 Comprehends pertinent issues in global marketing and the impact of these issues on marketing decisions. 134/251 6 I Engineering Management graduates will recognize the need for and have an ability to engage in life-long learning. i. 1 Recognizes benefits of continued learning through attendance at professional presentations and through reading professional publications. 134/251 7 i. 2. Identifies, reads about, analyzes and reports on â€Å"world view† issues that are opposed to own view. 253 7 j Engineering Management graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues related to engineering management. j. 1 Demonstrates awareness of, knowledge of, and respect for contemporary issues in engineering management, business and economics. 134/251 6 j. 2 Understands the importance of engineering to the future of society. 253 6 k Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. k. 1. Utilizes electronic resources to acquire external data to solve engineering management problems. 134/251 2 k. 2 Understands and utilizes computerized accounting systems to solve engineering management problems. 147 2 k. 3 Uses Excel financial functions to solve time value of money problems. 137/147 2 k. 4 Uses Excel in the solution of operational problems. 253 2 4. Methods/Instruments and Administration Data assessment methods vary by instructor and course. However methods employed include the following: -Student response to exam questions -Student response to specific homework assignment. -Student team evaluations related to case studies and capstone senior design -Instructor assessment of case study assignments -Instructor assessment of assigned student paper -Instructor assessment of capstone senior design projects Data collection occurs during the spring (January – May) semester and last occurred during the Spring 2010 semester. If all outcomes pass according to the department agreed upon metric, no collection will occur during the fall semester. 5. Results and Changes Implemented or Planned a. All outcomes passed during the Spring 2010 assessment cycle. According to our department assessment plan as detailed during the last ABET accreditation cycle; the next assessment cycle will occur during the Spring 2011 semester. No data was collected for the Fall 2010 semester. b. Use of results No specific curriculum changes have been made due to quantified assessment results. However, curriculum change will be forthcoming as we have observed the performance of capstone senior design student members and project results. It should be noted that a more traditional capstone senior design course was added as a core/required course in the department. The department has â€Å"partnered† with several different companies in the development of problems/projects that sufficiently meet the culminating experience as required by ABET. c. Results Brought by the Changes Due to observations and overall performance of senior design capstone projects, a new course will be added to the current 26 hour core set of courses. The undergraduate curriculum committee, which is the committee that evaluates outcome and assessment data, has approved adding a course which will focus on generalized problem solving and critical thinking. We are currently evaluating potential course resources for this class. We anticipate gaining campus wide approval for the course effective for the Fall 2011 semester. It should also be noted that our Academy of Engineering Management has been very supportive of our efforts and has contributed constituent input in this process. One final note to be made to this report is that even though we will perform a full outcome evaluation during the Spring 2011 semester, concurrently we will be re-evaluating our outcomes/ performance criteria, and assessment methods.

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