Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Globalization Of Consumerism Within The United...

One of the key attributes of modernization is the globally interconnected marketplace. The globalization of consumerism allows for companies and their goods to be recognized internationally. The United States (followed by the United Kingdom, Germany, and China) is one of the most culturally influential countries in the world today. It sells its music, clothes, movies, literature, products, and perhaps most recognizably, its fast food, all throughout the world. Companies like McDonald’s and Coca Cola are archetypical examples of this. This globalization is believed to be creating an increasingly homogenous world because Western values and lifestyles sustain the possibility of obliterating countless unique, local cultures that don’t posses the means to market themselves to the rest of the world. Being apart of an interconnected marketplace allows consumers and producers to be aware of the significance and importance of many of the goods that are sold and bought. There is, however, a fine line between the significance of good and their importance. Goods can be incorporated into two categories, the first category being a â€Å"hardware† good (importance). It serves as a constitute of social and cultural good; for example, rice enables you to survive through hunger and clothes help you survive harsh weather conditions. Goods can also be simultaneously categorized as a â€Å"software† good (significance), expressing the cultural meaning in which they were made. Software goods indicate aShow MoreRelatedFinal Study Guide for Livanis Intl 1101 Essay3736 Words   |  15 PagesINTL 1101 Final Exam Study Guide Americanization - Consumerism, individualism - American products and values - Cultural imperialism? Trying to homogenize world? 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