Thursday, December 26, 2019

Literary Structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis

An Analysis of the Structure of The Metamorphosis The structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis establishes it as a kind of inverted, adult fairy-tale, in which regression (rather than progression) of forms occurs, good goes unrewarded and unappreciated, and evil triumphs. The story, of course, is satirical in concept, but the satire is felt chiefly because of the way in which the story stands the concept of the fairy-tale on its head. Gregor, who in a childs story, might progress from bug to man and be the one to enjoy the sunlight at the end of the tale, a reward for his patient suffering, in Kafkas tale turns from man to bug and dies without basking in the sunshine. This paper will show how the storys inverted scheme is meant to reflect the inverted principles of modern life, in which self-love appears more virtuous than self-sacrifice. The story can be divided into three parts, with the first part depicting how Gregor wakes to find himself transformed into a human-sized beetle. He still possesses his human nature, however. The irony of this metamorphosis is that Gregor is the only one to handle this transformation with calmness, dignity and respect. His family, upon seeing him as a beetle, force him back into his room and barricade themselves on the other side of the door. They show themselves to be altogether inhuman for their lack of sympathy, compassion, empathy, patience, and all other human virtues. Their primary concern is their shocked sensibilitiesShow MoreRelatedThe Existential Isolation And Biopsychological Change1519 Words   |  7 Pagesin The Metamorphosis and â€Å"Letter to my Father† by Franz Kafka and Unwelcome Visitors† by Tessa Farmer This literary and art analysis will define the correlation between the writings of Kafka and the installation art of Tessa Farmer’s in relation to the themes of existential isolation and biopsychological change. 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