Thursday, December 26, 2019

Literary Structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis

An Analysis of the Structure of The Metamorphosis The structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis establishes it as a kind of inverted, adult fairy-tale, in which regression (rather than progression) of forms occurs, good goes unrewarded and unappreciated, and evil triumphs. The story, of course, is satirical in concept, but the satire is felt chiefly because of the way in which the story stands the concept of the fairy-tale on its head. Gregor, who in a childs story, might progress from bug to man and be the one to enjoy the sunlight at the end of the tale, a reward for his patient suffering, in Kafkas tale turns from man to bug and dies without basking in the sunshine. This paper will show how the storys inverted scheme is meant to reflect the inverted principles of modern life, in which self-love appears more virtuous than self-sacrifice. The story can be divided into three parts, with the first part depicting how Gregor wakes to find himself transformed into a human-sized beetle. He still possesses his human nature, however. The irony of this metamorphosis is that Gregor is the only one to handle this transformation with calmness, dignity and respect. His family, upon seeing him as a beetle, force him back into his room and barricade themselves on the other side of the door. They show themselves to be altogether inhuman for their lack of sympathy, compassion, empathy, patience, and all other human virtues. Their primary concern is their shocked sensibilitiesShow MoreRelatedThe Existential Isolation And Biopsychological Change1519 Words   |  7 Pagesin The Metamorphosis and â€Å"Letter to my Father† by Franz Kafka and Unwelcome Visitors† by Tessa Farmer This literary and art analysis will define the correlation between the writings of Kafka and the installation art of Tessa Farmer’s in relation to the themes of existential isolation and biopsychological change. 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As the story progresses, Gregor finds himself unfairly stigmatized, cruelly rejected because of his clear inability to financially support his family, and consequently increasingly isolated. Through extensive use of symbolism, Kafka is able to relate the surreal and absurd, seemingly arbitrary events of thisRead MoreSocia l Analysis of Franz Kafkas the Metamorphosis Essay2895 Words   |  12 PagesSocial Analysis of Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka was not Jewish; Franz Kafka was not Czech, Franz Kafka only identified himself by his own perception of life, and a reality of his own creation. Kafkas family, a prosperous middle class home of economic strivers, embraced the German Jewish circles of Prague, seeking to assimilate with language and Jewish culture. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

African Americans On Education Malcolm X On A Homemade...

Views of African Americans on education: Malcolm X on a Homemade Education; W.E.B. Dubois in Education; and Oliver Crowell Cox in Education Okema Johnson Coppin State University IDST 499-401 Dr. Ray September 9, 2015 Education is an important aspect in the lives of many individuals. Education is often seen as a means to better oneself. With education, a whole new world can be opened up to individuals. For African Americans education is key to achieving a variety of things in life. During the days of slavery, African Americans were not allowed to be educated. It was frowned upon and strictly discouraged because slave masters knew that they could not dominate an educated person. Any slave caught trying to read or write was punished. There are many individuals whose main purpose is to fight for the rights and equality of African Americans and fighting for the right to be educated was one of these goals. African Americans alike wanted to be educated because they know it would lead to progress and a better overall situation. Now in today’s society we see that even though many before us has fought for the right to be educated some do not see it as a privilege. In this paper, the views of Malcolm X, W.E.B. DuBois and Oliver Cromwell Cox will be examined in regards to their thoughts on education. Malcolm X is known for his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement as well as being a leader of the Nation of Islam (Bio, 2015). Before Malcolm X began making aShow MoreRelatedFrederick Douglass And Malcolm X Essay1237 Words   |  5 PagesA synthetic analysis of two works from African American literature reveals that there is no greater accomplishment than learning to read and write. Literacy is what allows us to gain knowledge through learning. 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There will be no censorship, nor lack of material available to you. You are free to gain a plethora of information within literature that would not be allowed in a school library. Hitler’s Mein Kampf, for instance

Monday, December 9, 2019

Exam Paper free essay sample

This examination paper consists of 5 printed pages  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 BM/APR 2006/MGT269/268 QUESTION 1 a. To adopt an audience-centered approach to communication, what do you need to learn about your audience? List at least five (5) specific examples. (5 marks) Describe the six (6) phases of the communication process. (5 marks) b. c. Describe five (5) common types of communication barriers. (5 marks) d. Briefly explain five (5) characteristics of effective report content. (5 marks) e. Explain five (5) types of materials that are often best presented on handouts. 5 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 BM/APR 2006/MGT269/268 QUESTION 2 Read the following letter content which is an extract from the column of Readers Forum in the New Straits Times. Dear Forum, I had a very unpleasant experience at one of your chain hotel of Terang Resort Cherating. I reached at the resort lobby after a long journey from Kuala Lumpur. The journey was tiring and expecting a warm welcome from the hotel staff. We will write a custom essay sample on Exam Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I went to the resort on December 23, 2005, after getting the good feedback and recommendation from a friend. I waited for 20 minutes during that time. There was only one front desk officer on duty. The other officer was absorbed in talking through the mobile phone. When I mentioned this to the officer at the desk, she was rather rude. My family and I decided to change the hotel until the officer on the mobile phone came running to me to render assistance. I wonder whether if there might be some other way the resort could monitor its staff so that the busiest times are better covered by more and dedicated employees. Also being rude is not a good customer service to the industry. Ani Ally 25, Jalan Tombak, Bandar Baru Bangi, 50000 Selangor As the Resort Manager, you have read the letter by Miss Ani Ally in the New Straits Times. Reply to the complaint based on the content above. (25 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 BM/APR 2006/MGT269/268 QUESTION 3 a) Syahrul, a regular customer of Jackson Dry Cleaners who picked up his dry cleaning in the last two days has complained about experiencing skin irritations after wearing his newly cleaned clothes. The management has discovered that a new employee mixed the wrong combinations of detergent when making the cleaning solution for the clothes. As a clerk in Jackson Dry Cleaners, you are responsible to write a letter to the customer to explain the situation and to emphasize the problem. The letter will convey an offer to reclean the clothes for free and include a coupon for another free cleaning. (20 marks) b) By using appropriate approach either direct or indirect, write the following bad-news messages. i) A letter from an insurance company to a policyholder denying a claim for reimbursement for a special medical procedure that is not covered under the terms of the customers policy. 2. 5 marks) A memo to all employees notifying them that the company parking lot will be repaved during the first week of May and that the company will provide a shuttle service from a remote parking lot during that period. (2. 5 marks) ii)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 BM/APR 2006/MGT269/268 QUESTION 4 As a market researcher for Naza Star chain of car dealerships, youre examining car and truck ownership an d lease patterns among single drivers in various age groups. By discovering which age groups have the highest percentages of owners, you will be better able to target advertising that promotes the leasing option. Using information in Table A below, prepare a bar chart comparing the number of owners with the number of leasers in each age category and provide information on your findings. TABLE A Age Group 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 46-49 50-54 55 + Number of owners (in 000s) 1,830 1820 1680 1,303 1,211 1,780 3,200 3,435 Number of leasers (in 000s) 795 1450 1412 1,905 1,895 1,426 1,145 860 (25 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Grand Master of Sociopaths free essay sample

A sociopath is a person with an antisocial personality, usually a criminal who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. In the comic book, television show and movies; the character the Joker is the king of Sociopaths. He again and again commits crimes with no hint of remorse. The Joker has much charm. He charmed his way into convincing a psychiatric counselor into letting him out of his holding cell. He convinced her that they were meant for each other. This same psychiatric counselor would end up being his infamous partner in crime Harley Quin, who continually falls for the Joker’s charm. The Joker is very manipulative as well. He believes that no one else in the world matters except himself and Batman. So he uses Harley Quin as a toy for his own pleasure. He also acts up his insanity so he can stay in Arkahm Asylum which is a psychiatric hospital instead of being stuck in an uncomfortable jail cell. We will write a custom essay sample on The Grand Master of Sociopaths or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He has a Grandiose sense of self. The Joker feels that everything is entitled to him. He believes it is his right to have. He thinks that Gotham City is his city. He also believes that it is his right to kill Batman and no one else’s. The Joker has no lack of remorse or guilt. He has killed countless people and has tried to even kill Harley Quin on several occasions. He is infamously known to use his own Henchman as target practice. The Joker has an incapacity to love. He has an intense need for The Joker is the definition of a sociopath. He is the grand master of them all. All I can say is thank goodness he is a fictional character and not running rampant through our streets.