Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Its 7 questions about political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Its 7 questions about political science - Essay Example First, policies of the government must reflect the wishes that the people have. Other conditions state that leaders in government must be elected, and elections need to be free and fair. Fourth, people must take part in any political process. Fifth, the available information must be of high-quality. Finally, the majority must rule. Political equality relates to the concept that every individual carries an equal weight in voting as well as other political decision-making. Greenberg et al. argue that this principle is crucial in an ideal democratic society since democracy is a means of making key decisions. Political liberty is the third component of democracy. It relates to the fundamental freedoms crucial to the expression and formation of the popular will as well as its transformation into policy. The necessities of political liberty include freedoms of religion and conscience, of the press, of speech, and of association and assembly. Greenberg at al. argue that the fundamental principles of democracy cannot exist if the mentioned liberties lack (12). In the â€Å"Democracy for the Few†, Dr. Parenti describes how the society is majorly divided into two sections; the working class and the owning class. He goes ahead to explain the individuals under the owning class, where he described them as well-to-do people and in most cases are wealthy and live in the profits of their businesses. In this class, he recognized individuals who owns large amount of shareholders from bigger corporation as well as the small scale and struggling business owners. He compared the small and the giant business owners as squirrels and elephants to enable him provide a better perspective of who can bully their ways in the market and society set up. Parenti also mentioned working class, and he was able to describe them as those individuals who were able to live and depend on salaries, wages, and pensions. He

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