Monday, October 21, 2019

Pro Guide for an Exploratory Essay on the Nature of Synthesis

Pro Guide for an Exploratory Essay on the Nature of Synthesis Previously, we discussed 20 topics for an exploratory essay on the nature of synthesis as well as 10 facts 10 facts for an exploratory essay on the nature of synthesis help you start writing with ease. In this guide, â€Å"Pro Guide for an Exploratory Essay on the Nature of Synthesis†, however, we will discuss how an exploratory essay should be written and what it really is. With that being said, let’s get started: What is an Exploratory Essay? Most paper assignments require you to be argumentative. But this is not the case with exploratory essays. These essays are more exploratory. Just to be completely clear, the main point of exploratory essays is to share information with the reader by gathering it from credible sources and inquiring about a particular topic. In other words, you shouldn’t be argumentative as you would in other essays, rather, you would explore a particular topic or idea, and share your knowledge with your audience ― asking some questions along the way and answering them accordingly. Now, let’s discuss some basics: Writing the Introduction Your introduction is one of the most important parts of your essay. It is what persuades the reader to read further. In order to write the perfect introduction, you have to answer the following questions briefly: What is the article about? Why should the audience read it? What do you want the audience to do after reading it? Answering these questions properly can make a huge difference between writing an average introduction and an exemplary one. These questions will also allow you to write your body content in detail. Here is how you should answer questions in the body: Writing the Body Paragraphs/content The Context You content should be able to clarify what your main idea is. In order to do this, you should explain the situation in a way that makes perfect sense to the reader. Keep in mind that the context should also be compelling and educational so that your readers would be interested to read further and are willing to act upon it. The Research Question Once you’ve written great context, it’s time to ask your readers research question(s). These questions should clearly communicate what you want to explore and what’s the reason behind your exploration. It’s recommended to give an overview of the sources you explored and discovered ― the sources can clear things up further. For long papers, it’s highly recommended to forecast what you explored and how you explored it. You can do this by outlining the structure of your essay. The outline should include sources and the information in those sources. Let’s take an example here: In order to find the answers to my research question, I explored the topic by reading news sources. I went further and conducted interviews with a primary source. To make my research even more credible, I studied scholarly sources. All of the information I collected from these sources gave me the ability to answer my research question(s). Although, it didn’t allow me to fully answer those questions, it helped me narrow down the subject and allowed me to learn immensely from it. Remember, you don’t need to argue in exploratory essays. Instead, you conduct a thorough research on a particular topic (or question) and then share your findings and insights with the audience. That’s what an exploratory essay is all about. Concluding the Essay Finally, you want to restate what you discovered from the sources and what kind of solutions you found to the problem/question. If you didn’t find any, then point the reader to sources that explain the answer to the question or just tell them that you would write another essay on it which would be do justice to the topic. That’s it! Now you are in a position to write an exemplary exploratory essay in no time. Just remember to proofread your content twice before submitting it.

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