Wednesday, July 24, 2019

World History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World History - Essay Example vernment and representatives of the Arab governments, the Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish Agency, the White Paper was issued in 1939 by the British government declaring its intention of the future government of Palestine. The White paper also contained the Land Transfers Regulations to protect Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition (P4pd. 2004). The White paper further demanded conditional independence for unitary Palestinian State after ten years. In addition, it was agreed to allow 15,000 Jewish immigrants into Palestine annually for five years (Palestineremembered, 2006). Provision was also made for protection of Palestinian land rights against the Zionist acquisition. The British had made contradictory promises to both the Jews and the Palestinians and landed themselves in an untenable and difficult situation. During the World War I, Britain had promised the local Arabs through the Lawrence of Arabia, an independent Arab country covering most of the Middle East in exchange for their support (Wikipedia). Britain also promised to create a Jewish national home as per the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Jews were fighting against the Arabs and the British while the Arabs were fighting against the Jews and the British. The Arabs attacked the British because the British failed to maintain the quotas as agreed and allowed illegal Jews to enter Palestine (Trueman, 2000). The Jews attacked the British authorities in Palestine because they believed that the quota system was grossly unfair. As a result, British were in the middle of the conflict with little control as the two other sides were involved in their own beliefs (Trueman, 2000). In an attempt to end the violence, the British placed restrictions on the Jewish immigration â€Å"in the ‘interests of the present population’ and the ‘absorptive capacity’ of the country† (Bard, 2007). The British actually partitioned the country by limiting the absorptive capacity of Palestine. They put a

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