Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Overview of The American Academy

Outline of The American Academy The American Academy offers more than 230 online courses for secondary school understudies. Understudies joined up with The American Academy can finish singular courses or work towards an authorize certificate. Courses are self-guided and have a liberal half year consummation cutoff time, giving understudies the adaptability to set their own timetables. Accreditation The American Academy is certify by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, a provincial authorizing organization. Degrees and Programs The American Academy offers online courses and secondary school certificate projects to understudies of all ages. Notwithstanding conventional confirmations, they give the Dropout Recovery Program intended to enable previous understudies to finish a secondary school recognition from their neighborhood school locale. Self-teach understudies can likewise take individually courses, take a crack at a math/science pack, or work towards a confirmation. Affirmations The American Academy offers open enlistment to all understudies. Classes start on Monday consistently. Regularly, each credit requires roughly 120 hours of work. Understudies can choose flows through a shopping basket framework, making it simple to tailor the educational program to singular needs. Fascinating Fact Understudies tried out The American Academy get 50 minutes of one-on-one mentoring time from authorized experts. Extra mentoring time might be bought. Contact Information Website:Â www.theamericanacademy.comPhone: 866-689-1932Address: 175 S. Fundamental, Suite 1130Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Problems of Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issues of Performance Management - Essay Example Taking into account this data, the Systems Model of Performance Management is adjusted. The paper is finished up with a conversation and suggestions for future research. By definition, Performance Management by and large incorporates execution arranging, for example objective setting, continuous instructing and improvement of subordinates, officially inspecting execution and compensating execution. It was first presented by Michael Beer as an imaginative examination and advancement framework that joins the formative feature of execution evaluation with the objective setting aspect of MBO (Beer and Ruh, 2000; Beer, Ruh, Dawson, McCaa and Kavanagh, 2001). At that point, it was viewed as an enhancement for the presentation examination framework, which was commonly considered as emotional and tormented by rather issues. In considering the worth that might be included by Performance Management, it is imperative to endure as a top priority that Performance Management as a procedure was created due to the disappointment of execution examinations. Fundamentally, Performance Management speaks to a move from a detached, unthinking, HR-driven way to deal with execution examination towards an exhaustive, coordinated business-driven framework focusing on authoritative and individuals improvement. (Cawley et al. 2003) It was accepted that by participative defining objectives that are lined up with higher authoritative objectives, directing execution surveys and instructing on a continuous premise, and remunerating a person's exhibition dependent on the yields of the Performance Management framework, attractive results would follow. While directing a review among Performance Management facilitators from significant British associations on potential issues experienced with Performance Management in the mid 1990s, a wide scope of issues was distinguished. Truth be told, such a significant number of issues rose that in a joint effort with these Performance Management specialists a Systems Model of Performance Management was created. The thinking was that a frameworks approach would be required to address the wide assortment of issues at various levels. The Systems Model is portrayed somewhere else in detail (Spangenberg, 2003b). The Systems Model includes inputs, procedures, yields and linkages to different frameworks. The adequacy of Performance Management is significantly affected by contributions to the framework. (McDonald 2000)Strategic drivers contain, right off the bat, the reason or motivations behind Performance Management. The ideal reason, or purposes, ought to be resolved heretofore, ought not contain conflicting components, and ought to be unmistakably imparted to all. Besides, the transformational structure involving administration, corporate system and culture is basic to altering the vital course of the association so as to abuse openings in the earth. (Neely 2002)A reasonable level of complexity is normal from every interior partner, to be specific administration, oversight and workers, to comprehend and apply the standards and methodology of Performance Management. A profitable working relationship with associations or other worker agents is fundamental. Due to the regularly negative effect of talking about remunerations during the last execution survey, the prize issue might be isolated from the yearly audit. In the Systems Model, it is considered as a linkage to the

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How to Use Behavior Modeling to Teach Your Teen

How to Use Behavior Modeling to Teach Your Teen Theories Behavioral Psychology Print How to Use Behavior Modeling to Teach Your Teen New Skills By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on April 27, 2019 Kevin Dodge/Blend Images/Getty Images More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Have you ever noticed how kids like to copy their parents? Whether its a 4-year-old who enjoys pretending to shave his face next to Dad in the bathroom mirror, or its a 6-year-old pretending to vacuum the living room as her parents do, kids learn how to behave by watching their parents. And while you might think that your teen has outgrown the desire to copy you, thats not the case. Your teen is still watching how you behave. And those observations shape the choices that he makes.   Social Learning Theory as the Foundation for Behavior Modeling Social learning theory provides the foundation for behavior modeling. It asserts that most behaviors are learned by observation and modeling.   That means your teen may pick up on your unhealthy habits. So if you yell at your teen, theres a good chance your teen will learn to yell at you. Or, if you make a lot of impulse  purchases, your teen may also have trouble saving money. But the good news is, the reverse is also true. If you exercise every day or make it a habit to read a book each evening, your teen may be more likely to follow suit. You can shape your childs behavior by modeling healthy habits. How to Use Behavior Modeling to Teach Specific Skills You can use behavior modeling to teach your teen specific skills. Whether you want your teen to learn how to iron a dress shirt or you want him to learn how to sort the recycling, these steps can help him remember what to do: Have your teen watch you perform the task first.Allow your teen time to process and remember the behavior you performed.Give your teen a chance to practice performing the behavior on his own.  Use positive reinforcement, such as praise, to encourage your teen to keep up the good work.   An Example of Teen Behavior Modeling A father wants to teach his teenager how to change the oil in the car. So he has his teen watch as he changes the oil.   He tells his teen to write down the steps so he can review the steps on his own. That helps the teen process and remember the information. Then, the next time the oil needs to be changed, the teen does it on his own. His father provides constant supervision.   The father offers praise and positive feedback. He also provides correction when necessary to ensure his teen is doing it correctly. That process will help the teen learn how to do it on his own. Hell be better equipped to change the oil without his fathers supervision in the future.   How to Take a Less Structured Yet Effective Approach Of course, there are plenty of things your teen will learn from you without a structured approach. Your teen will naturally pick up on a lot of your behavior and attitude just by spending time with you. So its important to practice being a good role model. Know your values and make sure youre instilling those values in your teen.  And when you want to teach your teen a specific skill or two, proactively use behavior modeling to reinforce it to your teen.