Monday, September 30, 2019

Family Dynamics

Nick Vehlewald Mrs. Stotler English 110. 4 17 October 2012 Family Dynamics The way a family works has changed in the last decade or two. Back when this generations parents were kids and even when their parents were young, it is very different than young people today. A perfect example would be the television show â€Å"Leave it to Beaver†, which aired in 1957. It was about the Cleavers, an All American Family, trying to keep their youngest son Theodore â€Å"Beaver† out of trouble.He always finds his way into trouble, at the end of the episode his parents always help him by giving him advice an good life lessons. That show represents how families were close and protected each other. Now, in the 21st century, many families and even communities are not as close. There are less family nights, and some kids do not even go to the parents for help or to talk to, and neighborhoods are neither as safe nor a community as they were, where kids will be playing outside and parents don’t have to stress about the kids getting hurt or lost.Kids rely on social media to express their feelings instead of talking to their parents on what is occurring in their life. One of the main reasons of family destruction is divorce. Gathered research from Oregon State University states â€Å"Divorces’ have increased 22% since 1980 in the United States† (23). Children did not have to deal with that in the past generations. That is the most prevalent occurrence in society today. This did not happen before because divorce was not socially acceptable back then.Society used to believe that marriage was permanent and spouses were meant to stay together no matter the reason. The traditional family structure in the US is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring, however this type of family has become less prevalent, and other family forms have become relevant. In the television show â€Å"Leave it to Beaver† every show was family oriented. It was like watching a real family working through the trials and ribulations that every family will go through on a regular basis. What was different about this family than a real family was that everything always ended on a positive note, the mother and father solving or fixing the problem and helping their children. That did not always work in the real life. Sometimes fights will last a couple hours, days or weeks. People watching the show did not understand that concept. They see the Cleavers being able to work out similar problems but in their household it isn’t that easy.So families and most part parents, would get frustrated and think that they are not a well functioning family. â€Å"There are over 4600 traits and in a family, all traits are demonstrated by the family members. Wherever you have chaos, someone else will have order. Wherever you have order, someone else will have chaos† (1). T his is just how a family works, you have to deal with each others differences and still love each and every member. Families have big issues with trying to be perfect, but they need to understand that individuals cannot expect their family to act and function like an artificial one.The biggest change in family dynamics in the past decades are, moms used to be at home cooking and cleaning doing the responsibilities around the house. That is not the case any more. Mothers are in the work force, doing their part for the family. â€Å"Employment rate of woman since the 1950’s has risen 74%, for full time jobs, and 29% part time jobs† (1). This was never the case before, it was always the father’s job to work and make the money to provide for the family. It has changed drastically since WWII. â€Å"In a study conducted by the Center for American Progress in 2010, only 27. percent of homes in the US had caregiver. Compared to 1975 where more than half the homes had a care giver†(32). The father figure has been affected so much that there are even stay-at-home dads now, where the mother would work and the father would take care of the domestic duties. Stay-at-home dads are fathers that do not participate in the labor market and raise their children. They are the male equivalent to housewives. This is not as popular in American society. There are estimated 105,000 stay-at-home dads in the US today. He would have been a disgrace to the workingman sixty years ago.The main reason for the advancement of mothers in society was woman’s goals have changed drastically. Shifting from the typical housewife that does the cooking, washing, and cleaning, to powerful women that are standing up for them and joining the male society in working for a living. Since then women have been making there way into the workforce, by proving themselves with valuable resource that will help them in every day life. There are a voluminous amount of jobs that wome n could do a lot better than a man because of what they know and the experiences they have had.For instance, making clothing, cooking in a restaurant, and money management. Women are changing the workforce, something that know one would have predicted. The men were always know as the breadwinners of the family but women are taking advantage of the women movement to become financially independent. Also others things have occurred in this day that have never been dealt with before. Same sex marriage. This is something know one has seen before or had to deal with in the past decades.The common way was a man marries a woman; they have children and live happily ever after. There was no such thing as gay marriage or partnerships between two men or two women. This is a huge difference then what the generations before us are used to. The changing times are moving to fast for some people and they can not get used to the idea of two men or two woman raising children. This changes the lives of the kids drastically. They grow up thinking that they have two mommies or daddies and it is perfectly ok and normal, but what they do not know is that they are unique.They will grow up and have a whole different perspective on life, from being raised in such a different family life. The kids will be very confused growing up in this world. Seeing all other kids with a mom and a dad and wondering why they are different. The children are discriminated against for having same sex parents. â€Å"Nationally, 66% female couples, 44% males couples live with children under eighteen years of age† (5). America needs to adapt to the changing times and understand it is not going to be the same as it used to be.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hitory Elective Notes: Chapter 6

Tanjong Katong Secondary School Secondary FourHistory Elective Chapter 6: War in EuropeHow was Germany responsible for the outbreak of WWII? Hitler’s foreign policy aims:   Hitler wanted to make Germany ____ again by having a _________ and regaining the ____ lost by TOV. †¢ Wanted all German- speaking people to live together in one country called _____________. †¢ Felt that Germany’s growing population needed more room to live and grow food. He called this ___________ (living space). †¢ He could get his lebensraum by __________ lands east of Germany. Hated the _____________ ideology and wanted to conquer the Soviet Union to destroy _____________. †¢ SU had vast lands and Hitler believed that the Germans could use the lands for _________. Steps taken by Hitler: †¢ 1933: Hitler pulled Germany out of the ________________ organised by the League of Nations, announcing that she will disarm only if other nations did so as well. †¢ 1933: Pulled Germany out of ____________________. †¢ 1934: Increased the size of his ____ from 100, 000 to 300,000 men. (conscription) †¢ 1935: Increased the size of the army to 550,000 men & reintroduced ___________________________ for all male citizens. Re-militarisation of ______________: †¢ TOV stated that no ________________ were to be in Rhineland after Allied troops had withdrawn. †¢ 1936: Ordered troops into ______________________________. †¢ Britain and France took no action against Germany. †¢ British claim: Germany was only ‘marching into its own backyard’. †¢ France unwilling to take action without Britain’s support. Anschluss with _______ †¢ TOV stated that there should be no ____________ (anschluss) between Germany and Austria. †¢ Hitler tried to take control of Austria. †¢ Hitler threatened Austrian Chancellor Schushnigg that he would send in his army. March 1938: German troops marched into Austria, which then became a _________ of Germany. How was the League of Nations responsible for the outbreak of WWII? Weaknesses of LON: †¢ An exclusive club for __________ of WWI. †¢ Germany was not treated well. †¢ By not treating all its members with _______________, it failed to win the _________ from members. †¢ Richest and most powerful member of the world – ______- not in the League => weak. †¢ Britain and France were the unofficial leaders of LON but only took action when it served their own ________. Poor leadership -> members ______________ for the League. Members of the League were supposed to ________ each other through the use of __________________, but this was never applied. †¢ When League did not punish Japan when it attacked Manchuria, Italy and Germany went ahead with their attacks ________ that the League could not stop them. †¢ Did not have an ____ of its own, thus not in a position to _______ a country from ________. Failure to curb Italian aggression in ___________, 1936: †¢ Action: Benito _________ (Fascist leader of Italy) wanted to increase Italian influence in Abyssinia (today’s Ethiopia) and made plans to ______ it. Response: LON only implemented a _________ economic embargo against Italy. But this too was not fully implemented due to fear that any embargo would affect members’ own economies. †¢ LON was not _____ enough to protect countries from attacks by its members. Failure to encourage ___________  : †¢ France: Did not feel ____ from Germany and refused to disarm. †¢ Hitler: If other countries did not disarm, then Germany had the right to build up its armed forces and did so at a ____ pace. †¢ Other European countries: Began to rearm _______ Germany. Failure to preserve ______ of the League: †¢ Britain: Fear that Germany would have a navy ______ than hers. In 1935, signed the ______________________ which allowed Germany to increase the size of its navy to 35% of the British navy, including submarines, which were banned in TOV. †¢ Britain, the unofficial leader of the LON, broke the military terms of the TOV and placed her own interests first. †¢ Other members followed Britain’s example, instead of acting together to _________ the ___ of a ________ strong Germany. Failure to preserve _______________  : Due to ________________, many countries priced their goods more _______ than foreign goods, in an attempt to sell more of their goods overseas. †¢ They also tried to _______ foreign goods from being sold in other countries by raising ______ on the foreign goods. †¢ 1933: LON held international conference to stop countries from increasing tariffs, but none of the countries wanted to _________. †¢ Each country believed that it had to protect its own interest first –> ______ war between countries. How were Britain and France responsible for the outbreak of WWII? Appeasement: __________ war at all costs by _________ to whatever the enemy country asks for. Reasons for appeasement: †¢ WWI, with its great __________ made war an __________ choice. †¢ Economies _______________ by WWI and GD. Needed to _________ economies and could not _____ to fight another war. †¢ Br and Fr needed more ____ to _________ their army. †¢ Many British and French ______ were fighting for their independence. Br and France could not afford to quell these rebellions and fight a major war in Europe at the same time. †¢ Felt that they could not win a war against Germany without the help of USA. USA was following a strict policy of ________ and would not get involved in any war in Europe. †¢ Felt that _________ was a bigger threat than _______. A strong Germany would prevent the spread of Communism from Soviet Russia to other parts of Europe. Example of appeasement: ______________ Crisis, 1938 †¢ Hitler wanted to take over Sudentenland (part of ______________) after Austria. †¢ Despised the Czech people as they were _____ – an ‘_______________’. †¢ Prosperous country ____ in resources. †¢ Over 3 million _________ living in Sudentenland – wanted to make it part of his Greater Germany. Sudetenland important for Czechoslovakia because of its _________ and heavy __________ located there. †¢ Encouraged members of the Sudetenland _____________ to make as much trouble for the Czech government so that it would give up Sudetenland. †¢ Czechoslovakia looked to Britain and France to stop Hitler, since Sudetenland was not a German land which had been taken away by TOV. It had never ___________ to Germany. †¢ Britain and France feared that Europe will be _______ into a war if the crisis was not solved. †¢ Br PM Neville _____________ went to Germany three times in Sept 1938 in and effort to prevent war. 3rd meeting in _______ – Representatives from Br, Fr, Italy, Germany attended, but not ______ or ______. †¢ Munich Agreement: Germany would not be stopped from taking Sudetenland. In exchange, Hitler promised not to take any more land in Europe. †¢ Chamberlain happy that war had been __________. Impact of appeasement: †¢ Policy of appeasement had merely _____________ greater ___________ from Germany, since Hitler was _________ that Britain and France would give in to all his demands/actions, as they did not want to get involved in a bigger war. End of appeasement: March 1939: Hitler invaded ______________. †¢ Invasion convinced Br and Fr that Hitler could no longer be _______ and ended their policy of appeasement. How was Soviet Union responsible for the outbreak of WWII? Stalin’s concerns: †¢ Worried about the rise of Hitler, who openly stated that he ______ Communism. †¢ ________ was Hitler’s next target and it was _________ on USSR’s western front. †¢ 1934: Stalin joined _______________ to gain _____________ for USSR from Germany. †¢ However, he was concerned that the LON will not protect USSR since it took no ______ against Germany when it broke terms of TOV. Believed that Br and Fr wanted to see Communism _____________ too. Nazi-Soviet Pact, 1939: †¢ Pact of _________ between Germany and USSR. †¢ Hitler’s reason: wanted Poland but worried about fighting a war on two ______ – Br and Fr on western border and USSR on eastern border. †¢ Stalin’s reason: To avoid war with Germany. †¢ Terms: USSR would remain _______ if Germany attacked Poland. In exchange, they would ________ Poland between them. †¢ Reaction: Came as a ______ to the world as Hitler hated Communism and USSR. Significance: Gave Hitler _________ to invade Poland, as he would not have to face a two-front war. †¢ On 1 Sept 1939, he ________ Poland, confident that his army would be able to handle a war with Br and Fr, if they responded at all. †¢ The following day, Br and Fr _________ a _________ from Poland or face a war. †¢ Hitler _________. Br and Fr _______________ on Germany. Questions to ponder: Who/what was responsible for the outbreak of WWII and to what extent? What were the long term causes of the war? What were the short term causes of the war? What were the factors which triggered the war?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Control mechanisms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Control mechanisms - Research Paper Example Employee incentive program and scheduling of business processes are also dependent on the budget control mechanism. At Boeing, managers do effective budgeting before starting any new project because it makes them complete the projects without facing any financial problem. The benefits, which budgeting control mechanism provides to the management of Boeing, include control over financial resources, improved financial communication, and achievement of definite business objectives. Scheduling of business operations is very important for Boeing, as the company has to deal with commercial as well as military clients. Management of Boeing makes use of project network diagrams and Gantt Charts to do proper scheduling of all business activities. As compared to employee incentive program, which is use to improve employee productivity, scheduling is somewhat more important control mechanism because it has to deal with the management of core business processes required for ensuring production and project completion within the deadlines. Scheduling means to time the business operations in such a way that none of the business operations becomes obstacle in the way of other business operations. Boeing makes a great use of this control mechanism to improve the performance of employees. This control mechanism not only helps the company improve performance and productivity of employees but also improves employee loyalty. Boeing offers different kinds of incentives and rewards to its employees to motivate them. Wellness programs, health insurance, and paid vacations are some of the most considerable incentives that Boeing offers to its employees. This control mechanism holds great importance in the success of Boeing aerospace company. It means to manage the information that is required to run business operations and other activities of an organization. The key tasks of Boeing’s information system include

Friday, September 27, 2019

Animals and the Myriad Ways They Can Kill or Heal Us Essay

Animals and the Myriad Ways They Can Kill or Heal Us - Essay Example Bee venom is also referred to as apitoxin or bee sting venom. Scientifically, it is also known by such names as apis venenum and apitoxine among others (Stearns, 2012). As the name suggests, bee venom is a product of bees. As a matter of fact, it is the venom that makes it painful when a person is stung by bees. Nonetheless, bee venom should not be confused with honey, bee pollen or royal jelly. Basically, bee venom is a major product of the bees. These insects use it as a defense mechanism or a weapon to protect their territory. This article reveals that bee venom is not only feared but also does magic within human body. Bee venom contains some wonderful substances. In fact, it contains up to forty pharmacologically active ingredients. Some of them include mellitin, apamin, adolapin, dopamine and others. Each of these active substances has a different effect on our bodies. This means that once a bee stings a person, the pain dies after about one hour, and the venom left behind begin s to do wonders. Of course, the introduction (actual insertion of the bee sting into human body) is painful and feared by almost everyone. On the other hand, bee venom can be used to combat a number of ailments including insomnia, headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, skin problems and others. In fact, it has been said that when a person has severe headache, he or she could have a quick relief via a bee sting. This practice is normally referred to as BVT (bee venom therapy). Astonishingly, bee venom has recently been found to contain a key ingredient that destroys HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Perhaps, this is a breakthrough, especially considering that HIV/AIDS has continually killed millions of people without cure (Saini & Peterson, 1999). Bee venom has not only been shown to destroy HIV cells, but it also does so without harming other cells. This is very important in treatment of any other disease because the aim is not just to kill the bacteria but also to protect other body cells. Researchers have loaded the toxin (referred to as melittin) onto nanoparticles styled with bumpers that normal cells bounced off unaffected. According to the researchers, HIV cells are small enough and can fit between bumpers. This means that they can make contact with the surface of the nanoparticles where bee venom awaits (ScienceDaily, 2013). Consequently, melittin on these nanoparticles fuses with viral envelopes and ruptures them. Of course, this strips the virus’s shell thereby killing it. The difference between the bee venom technique and existing HIV treatment drugs is that the latter techniques attempt to slow down the virus’s ability to duplicate. It is worth noting that the virus has also evolved to evade most of these anti-HIV drugs. What is more, bee venom ingredients (in particular melittin) attack the virus’ natural structure. There is theoretically no mechanism to grow adaptive evasion responses to this. Altogether, ingredients found in bee venom are strategically placed to destroy HIV. The bee venom antiviral therapy has propositions for areas rampant with HIV. For instance, it can be used by women together with vaginal preventative gel. This prevents the initial infection. In addition, treatments could be devised for drug resistant HIV. Such treatments can be delivered intravenously, potentially clearing the blood of the virus. Let us not forget the possibility for this type of treatment being applicable for couples in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critically evaluate the claim that employee involvement and Essay

Critically evaluate the claim that employee involvement and participation initiatives contribute to increased employee motivation and productivity - Essay Example Employee participation gives an impression of value and power to the employees in the organization. Employee participation and involvement in the matters of enterprises provides maximum benefits to the firm as the employees work more honestly in order to maintain their records in the organization. The terms employee involvement and employee participation were first used in 1970s (Farnham, 1993, p.361). After the introduction of these terms a number of companies adopted employee participation programs which were designed with an aim to create better workplace plans and implement such operational programs which would bring benefits for the firm and the workers. This kind of programs, which are known as managed work panels, action commissions or employee-administrator committees, usually offer a forum in which workers may present suggestions or thoughts to administration relating to workplace topics and get administration reply. Many administrators judge that this sort of worker-employer teamwork is extremely advantageous to both parties and valuable for the corporation itself to participate in a worldwide economy. The employment department carried out a survey of employee involvement programs practiced by 377 British organizations and observed that employee involvement raises with the company size and value of financial involvement plans have raised from 53% in 1988 to 77% in 1991(Farnham and Pimlott,1995,p.421). The survey further tells that most of the companies which were surveyed have a program formed which can help the employees to join them. Employers also play a major role in encouraging the employees to work harder. These days the employers consider it as an important duty to converse with the employees and make the relations as better as possible. They are further forming employee committees which would help the employees to come forward with their problems. These committees help in decreasing the gap between the employers and the workers. This further creates an environment of security amongst the employees and would encourage them to work harder. The employers which emphasize on th e employee morale and relations get the benefits accordingly. These benefits can be in the form of high productivity and good quality. Furthermore the employees would not want to keep a distance from the management if all their demands are being met. Here the employers are also taking the advantage as the risk of strikes and employee co-ordination can be avoided. Employee involvement and participation can be divided in to different forms and hence by using these forms we may conclude if employee involvement and participation initiatives contribute to increased employee motivation and productivity or not. The first form of employee involvement is communication which is considered to be one of the most important methods of catching employees' and employers' attention. Some administrators find it worse to use communication with their employees in order to solve problems. However the CBI concluded that communication, itself, is not responsible for the occurrence of any problem but it is the matter of changing views and approaches. Communication should be used to identify the differences and understand the problems rather than criticizing and creating problems. Employees' involvements in the company using communications motivate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US Essay

Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US - Essay Example As the paper outlines. with the US budget deficit expected to reach the $1.5 trillion mark this year, the government is under immense pressure to initiate sustainable cost-cutting measures. Eliminating the dollar bill and replacing it with dollar coins should be one of the measures because the government will save the taxpayer more than $5 billion in the next 3 decades among other benefits. Cutting on spending is the biggest priority that the US government has so as to set the economy back in motion. The government currently spends a great deal of money printing and circulating the dollar bills. It will actually take 31 cents less to produce a dollar coin as opposed to a dollar bill according to Fiegerman. A coin will definitely last longer than a bill, therefore, saving on reprinting cost. The dollar bill is made of low-quality materials which tend to wear out within 3 years. This will not be the case with a dollar coin which can last for 34 years. It is also estimated that the doll ar bill will become more expensive to make owing to the fact that cotton prices are increasing steadily. This has shot up the cost of making paper by up to 50% as compared to the same time back in 2007. The EU and countries like Canada and Japan have relied on coins for their low denominations. Canada actually found that it saved more than 10 times their earlier estimated figures. Another issue relates to jamming of machines when producing the dollar bills. The Week states that more than $1 billion gets lost after vending machines jam thereby requiring repairs and companies losing on revenue from sales.  There are arguments that the dollar bill is one of the distinctive features of the United States economy and eliminating it will erode this uniqueness. There is also the belief that change to dollar coins will hurt the economy, especially in the current state.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Law of Torts Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Torts Master - Essay Example (Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills(1936)A.C.85). According to 'Heaven v. Pender(1883) 11 Q.B.D. 503) "actionable negligence consists in the neglect of the use of ordinary care or skill towards a person to whom the defendant owes the duty of observing ordinary care and skill, by which neglect the plaintiff has suffered injury, to person or property". In an action for negligence the plaintiff has to prove that the defendant owed duty of care to the plaintiff, the defendant made a breach of that duty and the plaintiff suffered damage as a consequence thereof. By Duty of care to the plaintiff we mean a legal duty rather than a moral, religious or social duty. The Plaintiff has to establish that the defendant owed to him a specific legal duty to take care of which he has made a breach. There is no general rule of law defining such duty. It depends in each case whether that duty exists. Lord Atkin propounded the following rule in 'Donoghue v. Stevenson' and the same has gained acceptance : "You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour". He then defined "neighbours" as "persons so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions whic h are being called in question." In this case the defendant raised the defence of "Privity of Contract Fallacy" quoting from the case 'Winterbottom v. Wright(1842) 10 M ) In that case Lord Abinger, C.B., said, "unless we confine the operations of such contracts as this to the parties who entered in to them, the most absurd and outrageous consequences, to which I can see no limit, will ensue." Since an action for tort is quite independent of any contract, there seems to be no reason why for an action in tort a contractual relation between the parties be insisted. This fallacy was done away with by 'Donoghue v. Stevenson' by allowing the consumer of drink an action in tort against the manufacturer, between whom there was no contract. Whether the defendant owes a duty to the plaintiff or not depends on reasonable foreseeability of the injury to the plaintiff. If at the time of the act or omission the defendant could reasonably foresee injury to the plaintiff he owes a duty to prevent that injury and failure to do that makes him liable. Duty to take care is the duty to avoid doing or omitting to do anything, the doing or omitting to do which may have as its reasonable and probable consequence injury to others, and the duty is owed to those to whom injury may reasonably and probably be anticipated if the duty is not observed (Bourhill v. Young,(1943) A.C.92, at 104, per Lord Macmillan). In 'Glasgow Corporation v. Munir' (1943) A.C.448, at 457) Lord MacMillan explained the standard of foresight of the reasonable man : "The standard of foresight of the reasonable man is, in one sense, an impersonal test. It eliminates the personal equation and is independent of the idiosyncrasies of the particular person whose conduct is in question. The reasonable man is presumed to be free both from over-apprehension and from over-confidence, but there is a sense in which the standard of care of the reasonable man involves in it's application a subjective element." In 'Booker v. Wenborn'(1962, 1 AllE.R. 431) the defendant boarded a train which had just started moving but kept the door of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Child vaccines should be optional (this is a PERSUASIVE PAPER) Essay

Child vaccines should be optional (this is a PERSUASIVE PAPER) - Essay Example By doing this, it stimulates the immune system in order to fight the disease if the child catches it. This is known as vaccination. McTaggart contradicts that vaccines are helpful by to children by pointing out that vaccination problems far outweigh those of going unvaccinated. Therefore, there are many questions concerning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines as opposed to those of going unvaccinated (McTaggart 1992, 1-5). Vaccines can cause complications that are more harmful than those of going unvaccinated or even the disease itself. Professor of epidemiology at the university of Washington, Dr Russell Alexander, points out that the people that determine the risks of vaccination does not compare it to those risks of being unvaccinated (Miller 1993, 9-9). This means that the research done by the panel, which said vaccination risks are 'too small to count', contains many weaknesses. McTaggart links the appearance of learning disabilities, autism, and hyperactivity to the beginning of the mass vaccination programs. Thus, vaccination is directly related to many diseases; and some are still unknown. McTaggart adds that the mumps vaccine has proved to be a direct cause of seizures, meningitis, deafness, and encephalitis. These diseases are extremely dangerous and cannot be cured. Dr J Anthony Morris, an immunization specialist formerly of America's 'National Institutes of Health' and 'Food and Drug Admin istration' states that in several of the studies, the measles vaccine strain has been recovered from the spines of the victims. This shows conclusively that the vaccine caused the encephalitis' (McTaggart 1992, 5-5). As a medical authority, Doctor Morris relates the measles vaccine to deadly diseases; such as encephalitis. On the other hand, the risks of catching the disease for unvaccinated children are similar, but less, to the risks of developing harmful complications due to the vaccine. Therefore, vaccination is more risky to your child than going unvaccinated. In addition to the safety problems, vaccines have also proven to be ineffective among many children. McTaggart reasons the current debate about vaccination and states that the measles portion of the triple shot is not working. This means that children who receive the MMR shot, also known as the measles, mumps, and rubella, are not completely immune against these diseases. McTaggart adds that the cases of measles have increased during the last decade. Similar to measles, McTaggart states that rubella's portion of the vaccine showed failure to prevent this fatal disease (McTaggart 1992, 13-13). Therefore, the fact that vaccination is not effective is common in many diseases. According to the 'Centers for Disease Control Morbidity and Mortality' in 1985, about 80 percent of measles cases occurring in children in America were in vaccinated ones who were vaccinated at the appropriate age (McTaggart 1992 3-3). Therefore it has been proven that vaccinations are ineffective against some dise ases. Vaccine supporters defend vaccines by claiming that vaccines caused a reduction in the number of disease

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ranking of the Top 10 Undergraduate Programs in Hospitality Research Paper

Ranking of the Top 10 Undergraduate Programs in Hospitality - Research Paper Example Hospitality management is also a comprehensive area of interest that focuses on teaching the students about the management, administration, supervision, marketing, advertising, promotion, and operations of hotels, resorts, restaurants, and travel administration that take account of the cuisine and nourishment, accommodations and tourism facilities for the people. The administration and surveillance of the hospitality management is very confronting as it includes all the actions, movements, endeavor, avocation, and entertainment of the guests from the occasion of their arrival into the hotel, restaurant, or theatre until they depart (Clarke &  Chen, 2007). The management has to prove them complaisant and malleable in an adequate amount so that they are able to fulfill the needs and requirements of their guests in a gratifying and pleasing manner. These courses of study enhances the students’ interpersonal, verbal and non-verbal communication abilities and people skills so tha t the students can develop, improve and enhance their leadership and managerial capabilities and teamwork strategies.  Hospitality management program also develop and augment the entrepreneurial skills of the students that escalates them in their careers and their confidence to do something on own.  There are numerous universities and schools present in todays time throughout the world and especially in the United States region that offer the undergraduate and graduate level programs of hospitality management but the world ranking schools are few that has distinguished and distinct themselves on their exclusive and inimitable standards (Clarke &  Chen, 2007). 1. Cornell University School for Hotel Administration Amongst the world’s top universities/schools that provide the education with majors in Hospitality Management is ‘Cornell University School for Hotel Administration’ (Cornell Univeristy, 2011). This hotel management school plays a distinctive role f rom others due to the reason that it provides the capable, endowed, and predetermined students with a wide range of expert educators, professors, trainers, and researchers with ultra modern and high-tech environment for the knowledge and education. In addition, they provide the students with a sturdy structure of set of business courses that is crucial and vital for hospitality management, as the business management is the cornerstone of it (Corgel & Sturman & Verma, 2011). Image: (Cornell, 2011) Furthermore, the university offers the students to get learning in one of the best and comfortable classrooms, labs, auditoriums and lecture halls and many more where the practical implementations are also a key part of the learning. The prime focus of the university is to develop, anticipate, and furnish their qualities and skills so that they get a leading edge over others in their areas of interests. Associations, group effort, alliance with other students are also the highlighting featu res that the university accentuates.  The official website of â€Å"the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration† (Cornell University, 2011) provides a comprehensive detail of the university program, features, and other details (Corgel & Sturman & Verma, 2011). 2. University of Nevada – Las Vegas ‘University of Nevada at Las Vegas’

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A view from the bridge Essay Example for Free

A view from the bridge Essay All my life Ive been trying to create a blissful loving environment, in my house. All my expectations of life for my family would very probably have come true. However since the day that Marco and Rodolfo arrived all this has changed. A tense environment is what reigns in this house due to our different points of view.  I can accept that I am a bit confused about them hosting in this house but its very difficult for me to seem inferior to them. I think that Marco is a good person, he likes to collaborate in some house work, and he is an intelligent man with an amazing future. On the other hand Rodolfo is completely different, he has blonde hair, likes to sew dresses, doesnt know to fight and sings Paper Doll, its impossible to have a good impression of him. I think he doesnt want us to know he is a sissy because he is playing with the feelings of my family and he is trying to trick someone. When Rodolfo arrived I thought he was a normal person but it was annoying and shocking when I realized he wasnt right. He is invading my house and trying to impose new rules and authority, that is unacceptable. I want him to leave my house and let me continue the life I had before we met him. It was such a perfect life when we knew Catherine was going to grow in a disciplined manner with a perfect assured future but now he is spoiling her and ruining the expectations that I had for her future. Catherine is a very sweet girl and I love her. Thats why I protect her always and I cant accept the fact of her being with him. I dont know what Catherine likes about Rodolfo; shes unwise in her decision for the first time. Its even harder for me to assume that she is planning to live with him for the rest of her life. I have been taking care of her since she was a little girl, that is why I am nervous about her future and I feel responsible for the consequences. This is why I cant let grant her free will on her future. I think Rodolfo is playing with her feelings and taking advantage of her, his real interest in her is to obtain his legal American papers. For obtaining these papers he just needs to marry an American lady and this is just what hes doing. I know Im not Catherines father and she can take her decisions, but I want the best for her and the best is not beside Rodolfo. Some days ago I went to a lawyers office to ask him for help. He is called Alfieri but unfortunately we couldnt find a form of getting rid of Rodolfo. There is no proof of him wanting to obtain legal papers from Catherine. I had the idea of telling the truth about him being an illegal immigrant but soon I realized other members of the Italian community would have killed me for doing that. Alfieri told me that I should let Catherine choose her future and if she wants to stay with Rodolfo, I should let her do that. If Alfieri cant help me to get rid of that immigrant, I will have to solve this thing myself, the problem is that I still dont know how. My relationship with Beatrice has also been affected since they came. It is getting worse all the time and all of this is Rodolfos fault. I have to pay extra attention in Rodolfo so that he doesnt over step the mark with my niece. That is why Im letting my relationship fall apart. If this continues being as it is I will have to make a radical change and get rid of him because the last thing Im willing is to let the mutual love between Beatrice and me finish here. Some days ago I was trying to get proof to show my family that Rodolfo is gay. I started fighting with him and everyone noticed that he boxed like a girl; however none of them paid attention in that. After this Marco challenged me by lifting a chair from the lower part of the leg but I couldnt understand his idea about this. I think the real force of somebody can be measured by fighting. Unfortunately nobody in my family also believes this.  I am still finding a way of getting rid of Rodolfo. Meanwhile I will try to convince Catherine that he is not the best man for her. Maybe the only solution is to snitch on him but its very risky. In my inside I know that everything Im doing is of good will, for the future of my niece and to recuperate our prosperous loving family.

Friday, September 20, 2019

International Corporate Entrepreneurship And Role Of Middle Management

International Corporate Entrepreneurship And Role Of Middle Management Middle management has crucial importance in the corporate entrepreneurial process but unexpectedly it has got little attention in the past research and academic literature. Middle management has great influence on organisational decision making, strategy making and in implementation of these strategies due to their central place in the management hierarchy. This chapter encompasses the academic literature relevant to middle management and their role in the process of corporate entrepreneurship (CE). It will begin with basic concepts of middle management and corporate entrepreneurial processes, their definitions and explanations. Past literature will be presented later on in this section regarding middle management to justify the both positive and negative sides of middle managements role and influence on the corporate entrepreneurial activities by the researchers. This will then follow a counter argument to discuss the role played other forces (higher management, first level managers and employees) in order to influence the CE process. The corporate entrepreneurial process requires innovation and change in order to remain effective in the business and this will be review in the light of previous literature to examine the process of organisational transformation. The last part of this section will concentrate on the issues like change implementation and their failure in organisation. Also literature will be reviewed regarding drivers like organisational citizenship, organisational innovation and ambidexterity that influence organisational changes indirectly. What is Entrepreneurship? The term entrepreneurship was used as an economic term in the mid eighteen century and described as a process bearing a risk of buying and selling products or services at certain and uncertain prices by Cantillon (1855) as cited in Grebel et al. (2003). Grebel et al. (2003) further broadened the term by including and bringing together the production factors in it. But this definition raises few questions whether there was any uniqueness about the entrepreneurial functions or it was just another form of management. Later the definition of entrepreneurship was added with the concept of innovation which includes the product innovation, process innovation, market innovation or even organisational innovation. This definition broadens the concept of entrepreneurship and describes it as the creator of new enterprises and pictures the entrepreneur as founder and innovator. Defining Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) was described as a process that can be used by individuals within an organisation to create opportunities without regard to the resources they are holding (Stevenson et al., 1999). Many researchers defined CE as a process of organisational renewal (Peterson and Berger 1972; Hill and Hlavacek 1972; Hannan 1976; Quinn 1979, and Sathe 1989), while others described it as the combined entrepreneurial efforts based on the organisational resources and commitments in order to perform the innovative functions of organisation in order to develop the product, process or innovation (Covin and Miles 1999; Naman and slevin 1993, Miller and Friesen 1982; Burgleman 1984; Kanter 1985; Alterowitz 1988; and Zahra and Covin 1995). According to Sharma and Chrisman (1999) there are three types of phenomena into existence for CE that may or may not be related. These are: a) Creation of new business from an existing one b) Transformation or renewal of an organisation c) Innovation The creation of new business was described as the internal corporate venturing by Zajac, Golden and Shortell (1991) while Pinchot (1985) called it intrapreneurship. On the other hand the process of renewal of organisation was regarded as strategic renewal (Guth and Ginsberg, 1990), organisational renewal (Baden and Stopford, 1994) and strategic change, transformation and revival of organisation (Shendel, 1990). By enlightening these ideas Sharma and Chrisman (1999) defines CE as the process where individuals or group of individuals create new organisation within an existing organisation or find innovation in that organisation. The entrepreneurial efforts that result in the creation of new business organisation are known as corporate venturing and the resulted innovation could exploit the ways of product offering in the existing or new market. The analysis of these different dimensions and approaches of CE can be concluded with the study of Gartner (1988) who describe it as a multifaceted concept that requires some major transformational changes in order to develop the whole idea of CE. Middle Management and the Organisation Dobson and Stewart (1993) and Turbalull (1998) stressed on the need of a clearer definition for the term middle mangers, as the levels of middle management in a company as poorly outlined as a unit of analysis. Middle management is basically used as a tactical work force to eliminate the gaps between the senior management and the sub-ordinates at the lower end of organisational hierarchy and also to implement the organisational policies made by the senior management. Two types of middle managers were identified by Currie (1999) in organisations: specialist middle managers for the roles like marketing, HR or finance; operation middle managers that coordinate operations between departments. Although both management types are important for any organisation but the specialist functions or boundary spanning activities get the priority. The participation of specialist middle managers in organisational activities appears more often as compared to the operations managers who focus on internal operations more (Wooldridge, 1997). The importance of middle management and their role as an agent in bringing the change in contemporary organisation was first drawn into attention by Bower (1970). However, the next decade or two came with a little systematic research in order to define the scope and nature of middle management and their contribution towards the organisational innovation and entrepreneurship. Although many researchers and authors (Peters and Waterman, 1982; Kanter, 1983; Pinchott, 1985; Drucker, 1985; Burgelman and Sayles, 1986) have argued on the different aspects of middle managements contributions towards CE while others (Schuler, 1986; Woolridge and Floyd, 1990) discussed their role in the companys strategy which is another important variable of CE (Guth and Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1991). Middle Managements Role in Operations According to Floyd and Lane (2000) operating-level managers absorbs the relevant ideas and information from outside the firm while also giving a positive response to the middle level managements information which is based on the top-level management strategic ideas. Every managerial role is different from other and different actions are associated with each of them (Miller and Camp, 1985) but here the discussion will revolve around the middle management, their corporate entrepreneurial activities and their behaviour towards CE. In other words, once commitment is made by the all management levels in order to pursue the CE related activities, then its middle managers responsibility to communicate through all organisational level for the effective flow of information for the implementation and development of project. The role middle management and their importance in the innovation process in an organisation were recognised by Quinn (1985) and who was also among the first to point out the valued part played by the middle management CE. He also recognised that the top-level management is isolated from the daily floor operations and it is important for middle management to play crucial role in fostering the company goals and targets. This importance in the organisational structure gives them an opportunity to interact with the employees and encourage them towards innovation while taking the calculated risk. Middle management and the Corporate Entrepreneurship The literature (Floyd Lane, 2000; Ireland, Hitt, Vaidyanath, 2002) suggests that in any organisation managers play vital role at all levels of organisational structure and contribute towards company success. In simple context, the top level management involves in strategic role where their job is to deal with strategic decision making and set clear direction towards companys goals and objectives. On the other hand, middle managers job is to bridge the gap between two distinct ends of management hierarchy i.e. top-level managers and operating-level managers and their focus is the effective communication between both channels. This is not an easy job and to fulfil the requirements of their job the communication should be carried to both ends of hierarchy efficiently in order to create the innovativeness of all business units including product and service. According to Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) the middle managers are not only enable the entrepreneurial actions like creating new opportunities for organisation or engage in organisational renewal but also keeping the innovativeness of also these entrepreneurial actions . Other researchers (Kanter, 1985; Ginsberg Hay, 1994; Pearce, Kramer, Robbins, 1997; Floyd Lane, 2000) described the middle managers as facilitator between the two managerial levels and how they play their role to shape the entrepreneurial action set by the top-level management for them. Due to the demand of their role middle managers have to reconcile the top-level strategies and implementation issues at the bottom end of hierarchy as these determine the competencies and also the performance of organisation. There is strong link between the firms performance and middle managers perception about the characteristics of competency (tactics, consensus and embeddedness) and this differentiates them from the first-level m anagers and take them closer to higher end of organisation hierarchy (King et al., 2001). The importance of middle managers as innovators is emphasized by the Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) who suggested that their central position in organisation is key for them to absorb and collect the information, ideas and innovation from both inside and outside of organisation. This flow of information and ideas between both ends of organisation influence the middle-level mangers to shape their entrepreneurial skills as their experience and knowledge grow. The only comment that can conclude this whole discussion on the importance of middle managements role in CE is that all the organisational and entrepreneurial functions are associated with them. Thus, the presence of middle management is there where CE functions are most likely to happen. Middle managers in Strategic Roles Middle managers have played a frequent role in providing strategic alternatives for firms and making those alternative ideas accessible for higher management (Floyd and Woolridge, 1992). The nature of middle managers job requires them to integrate and synthesize the information and resources by crystallizing the strategic issues faced by the organisation and also setting a platform for these strategic changes; by enhancing the old structure of organisation through implementation of formal strategy and giving feedback. This feedback can be used to make future changes in the strategy and for organisational renewal. The findings of Floyd and Woolridge (1992) gives a clearer picture when compared with the earlier work of Burgelman and Sayles (1986) that how middle management play key role in an organisation by shaping the strategic issues and influencing the entrepreneurial activities. The observations of other authors (Peters and Waterman, 1982; Pinchott, 1985) have seen the middle management playing important in encouraging other employees to take risks while working towards innovation. Quinn (1985) and Kanter (1988) also observed similar role of middle managers in promoting the CE activities across the organisation. This can be done by introducing reward schemes that encourage employees to experiment with their innovative ideas. Also different approaches can be used by the middle management to make the whole structure of organisation less resistant towards future changes and allowing the CE activities to flourish. Corporate Entrepreneurship and Other Forces (Actors) Most of literature on the CE and middle management either ignored or failed to identify the important role played by other forces to gain the CE in any organisation and widely criticised by Floyd (1999). According to McMillan (1993) as far as the power is concerned both middle management and other players have equal importance in bringing the CE to the organisational structure. Burgelman (1983) insist that the heart of CE activities is always dependent on the initiative taken at the operational levels of a firm. He insists on the importance of the factors that play towards the success of internal corporate activities by the operational level management, middle managements ability to effectively communicate between both ends of organisational hierarchy and the higher managements trust on the lower sub-ordinates in order to flourish the CE in the organisation. According to Burgelman (1993) operative managers have more importance in organisational structure than middle managers as they have more experience and involvement in dealing with RD and research related activities and are more aware of the corporate culture, market needs and demands. On the other hand Quin (1980 and 1982) has also argued on different occasion about the importance of middle management but he pointed towards the power asserted by the top management to control actions of middle management. Although the organisational operation flow is bottom up but the final decisions are always in top managements hand in either acceptance or rejection of these initiatives. Although Floyd (1999) has insisted towards the importance of middle management is vital due to their central position in the organisational hierarchy. But this literature review is evident that the other organisational forces as important as the middle management in the central role in the organisation and have equal influence on the CE related activities. Organisational Change Implementation Innovation in any organisation does not takes place on its own or in isolation and neither in a vacuum but it happens in a system where the employees and processes work together to achieve it. According to Joe (2005) it is all about the organisation and its employees and their approach towards the implementation of change in organisation. Hornsby et al. (2002) argued on the same note and suggested that the all organisations look for change and they implement these changes strategically through the help of CE. Two types of organisational changes can be found as a result of innovation and are known as deliberate strategic change and emergent strategic change and have their affect dependent on the role of middle management in them. Types of Organisational Change The first approach towards change is deliberate (Ansoff, 1965) and the top managements motive behind this strategy is to maximise both the organisational interest and profits at the same time. Middle management has a limited role in the deliberate or top-down change strategy and they have a very little influence upwards in order to make any change policy. On the other hand, the incremental change approach is a vice versa of top-down change strategy (Whittinghton, 1993) and it is based on the idea that change should be unplanned and unintentional rather that deliberate. This approach is based on the knowledge and outcomes of past policies which lacks in the deliberate change (Lindblom, 1959). He further argued the important role played by the middle management in order to formulate and implement the change in the organisation. On different occasions Quinn (1882, 1978 and 1980) suggested that incremental change strategy can be considered through the implementation of sub-systems before addressing any major change issues. But there is power culture involved in Quinns approach and points towards the higher management in order to decide which sub-system to be implemented and hence limits the role of middle management to some extent. All this discussion leads to one conclusion that there is no single approach which can completely benefit the middle managements role towards the organisational change but the incremental approach is more suited to them as compared to the deliberate change approach and enhances their role in change process. Middle Managements Role in Organisational Change There is plenty of pragmatic evidence in the past literature (Bower 1979; Kanter 1983; Burgelman 1983a, 1983b, 1983c, 1991 and 1994; Schilit and Paine 1987; Dutton and Ashford 1993; Nonaka 1988; Sayles 1993; and Schilit 1993) which shows a significant influence of middle management towards organisational change. On the same note Floyd and Wooldridge (1990) pointed towards the significant relationship between performance of an organisation and involvement of management. They further argued how middle management is involved in both directions of organisational hierarchy; with its upward influence on policy development could help the organisation by setting up a road map for change and innovation. While downward influence sets up a smooth ground to implement the organisational strategies effectively (Shendel and Hofer 1979 and Nutt 1987). Thus it shows the importance of middle management to influence the change in the organisation in the both directions at the same time. Human Nature, Top Management And the Organisational Change According to Strebel (1996) and Siegal (1996) almost two third of efforts made towards organisational change see failure as a result of top management negligence and lack of ability to recognise the human nature of change. This negligence by the top management is often seen as psychological differences between employees at individual level (Coghlan, 1993). The uncertainty and difference of opinion shows how employees look at organisational change at individual levels. The organisational change and all of its processes have direct or indirect link with the employees personal influence towards change and it is regarded as a personal change for them (Bovey, 2001). Evan (1994) has also argued on the same note by saying that employees work for OC in order to make it successful so that it can be a success for them too. According to Prastacos (2002) the OC is dependent on the acceptance and resistance levels of employees. Bovey (2001) noted that technical changes are often seen as bit easier to approach by the top management and are more predictable towards the change issues like developing action plans, making strategies, estimating profit level and resource analysis. The communication process in another key to keep the resistance level in control among employees against the change but if the resistance against change is higher from employee then it shows the poor communication and the inability of the top management (Elving, 2005). The organisational change is not a one way procedure but a two way understanding between management and employee (Bulogun, 2006). He also stressed on the need of mutual consensus between both parties to implement change across organisation and this is only possible through a good communication channel. It is almost impossible for top management to identify, control or prepare for every change before it happens due to the quick nature of change and they have act while it is happening. So, the above suggests that the top management remains isolated during the change mechanism due to hierarchal structure within organisational but on the other hand, middle management remains important during this process and act as communication channel between employees and top management. Thus, middle management has more importance during the implementation of organisational change than top management. Middle Managements Role in Political Nature of Change The top management has all the authorities in an organisation but this is not the case when it comes to organisational change policies and it affects their whole vision about it. The political nature of organisational structure makes the idea of change uncertain and difficult to implement. For the knowledge management the networks are often used as mechanism for to gain the required information and are used for political nature of change. The idea behind the formation of these networks is to use them politically for the change process. Hislop et al. (2000) agree with the fact there is a relation between these political networks and knowledge because of the need of appropriate knowledge is needed to form and use these network. This study shows that due to political nature of change it is vital for middle management to gain knowledge through these networks inside as well as the outside of firm to make a ground for the change acceptance. Organisational Change and Other Drivers There are few other drivers of change that are worth looking at in the literature including the organisational innovation, organisational citizenship and ambidexterity. These change drivers have important link with middle managements role in corporate entrepreneurial activities and CE process too. The Importance of Organisational Improvisation Organisational improvisational is another issue considered important in the reviewed literature that is connected directly with the change implementation in organisations. Different approach was adopted by the Ryle (1979) who described the process of improvisation as thought refining and most of things happen during this process are unique, hard to predict and probably might not get repeated in future. But this process is seen as an outcome from failure of first approach and is a product by accident described by Lebourne (2006). The literature from last two decades considered is another feature of organisational activities that contribute towards the change process of an organisation (Lewin, 1998). Thus the idea of organisational improvisation contributes in the form innovation and by keeping up the market up-to-date. As far as the middle management is concerned they get the opportunity to influence the whole process of improvisation from formulation stage to implementation stage through their time management skills. Relationship between Organisational Change and Organisational Citizenship There is plenty of discussion in the literature about organisational citizenship and behavioural interactions (Katz, 1964; Katz and Kahn, 1966; Organ, 1988; Cohen and Vigoda, 2000; and Padsakoff et al., 2000). Most of this literature has focused on describing the organisational behaviour and there is no discussion about organisational citizenship in the context of corporate entrepreneurship. For example Padsakoff et al. (2000) has identified seven different themes that can fit all dimensions of organisational citizenship while Katz (1964) mentioned four in his work. Although all the literature reviewed prescribes the importance of organisational citizenship behaviour and stresses on the presence of these behaviour for the effectiveness of organisational functions. However, it needs further exploration in the context of corporate entrepreneurship and this will remain the focus throughout this research. Ambidexterity Observations from Literature Review This section outlines the key observation made during the literature review and their summary of whole debate about the corporate entrepreneurship and role of middle management in the context of CE. The corporate entrepreneurship is noted as a complex concept that requires careful consideration towards the change implementation as well as the extra care when dealing with the strategic planning. There are two types of middle management is identified during this literature review; specialist managers who deal with functions like finance, marketing and HR; and non-specialist or operational manager who coordinate functions or activities within their own department or with other departments. The role of middle management and their future in the organisation is rather unclear in the argument by the researcher. Some of them deny the importance of middle management in the CE and point towards other forces that act in flourishing the CE activities. While other think the middle management has an enhanced future as well as importance in organisational corporate entrepreneurial activities and have more positive attitude towards their part in CE functions. But the whole debate of past literature is not sure on the role of middle management as operational managers as well as the extent of their importance in this role. The literature has pointed towards quite a few middle management functions including the functions of communication, innovation, change implementation, motivation, behaviour towards risk, business strategy etc. However, middle managements association with these functions is due to their central position in the organisational hierarchy. The middle management has independence of decision making in organisational innovation to reduce the strategy making period and also save the process of implementation time. This self-sufficiency of decision making is one of feature of contextual ambidexterity and make easier for organisations to implement innovation or change. The contextual ambidexterity is also a step closer to implement innovation in organisations and also allow middle management to improve their role in process of organisational change. Due to explore and develop nature of structural ambidexterity which divide these functions between organisational departments and bound middle management not to raise their voice as it might be outside their job scope and thus limits the role of middle management. But organisations with behavioural citizenship are more likely to have structural ambidexterity as there will be no or little clash due to the separate organisational functions. On the other hand, the contextual ambidex terity results in the form of difference of opinion and rivalry among middle management to get the innovation and thats the reason it doesnt go with the contextual ambidexterity. During the literature review another thing was noticed that the up-down change strategy do not allow middle management to exert their weight upwards to formulate the change development. It is also noticed that for the improved role of middle management requires a vital approach towards change and it should be emergent as well as the intentional. Thus the implementation of change process need to be combination of both approaches and political elements should also be considered in change process. As mentioned earlier in the reviewed literature which points the improved conditions and role of middle management organisational citizenship. It also stresses on the need of deliberate and emergent strategic approach for the organisational citizenship which allows middle management to work independently in a flatter organisation with more freedom of networking across departments. The diplomacy of using these departmental networking allow the middle management to spot the change and innovation in the organisation. The organisational change or transformation through corporate entrepreneurship is always main motive for many organisations and leader use social networking to implement this change across organisation. But many of these efforts fail due to the lack of ability of top management to understand human nature towards change implementation and poor communication between hierarchal levels. Weaknesses Observed in Understanding of CE The literature reviewed earlier shows that there are number of areas in the CE which need further clarification and the research need to be more focussed on the issues of CE which are currently have a weak understanding. There are few issues that need particular focus including the understanding of CE issues including the issue how CE it is managed, encouraged as well as sustained and according to Hornsby et al. (2002) this issue is not well understood. He also emphasise on the need of research to be more focused on the dimensions that can shape and predict the environment where CE can flourish. It was noticed during the literature review is lack of appreciation for the middle management in the processes of corporate entrepreneurship even though they have central importance in corporate entrepreneurial activities. Floyds (1999) argument about the flatter structured organisation where nobody has a central importance and everybody exchange information between themselves free was ignored in the reviewed literature. There is no such discussion in the literature that who gets the influence in CE initiatives in the organisation in such flat organisations. Finally, the relation between corporate entrepreneurship and indirectly related change drivers were not studied in the existing literature and their effects on the CE related activities. The relationship between the corporate entrepreneurship and the organisation citizenship is also ignored in the current literature. Research Focus Research Question The gaps in the literature needs a thorough understanding of concept of CE and needs a further exploration of the ways the organisations respond towards the implementation of CE and also how firms react for the sustainability of corporate entrepreneurial activities. So, there are few questions that will be answered during the course of this research and are as follows: How Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) is managed, sustained, and encouraged within the automobile industry? How CE and Organisational Citizenship are inter-related? What is the relationship between middle management and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE)? How does the hierarchal structure of an organisation influence or affect the decision making role of middle management? How middle mangers add value in the decision making process of CE? Concluding Comments The research and theories regarding the role of middle management in corporate entrepreneurship was explored during the literature review. The literature reviewed has pointed towards the presence and importance of middle management in corporate entrepreneurial processes. Although the middle managements engagement and interaction with the different interest group both inside and the outside of the organisation makes the whole process of CE complex and shows its political nature. The whole idea behind this research is to identify and fill these gaps found during the literature review and not only to contribute towards the literature on CE and also by providing clearer understanding of CE. The followed chapter will give an understanding of the methodology used to carry out the research and also the justification behind the choice of case studies.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Magic realism as post-colonialist device in Midnights Children Essay

Magic realism as post-colonialist device in Midnight's Children Magic realism in relation to the post-colonial and Midnight's Children 'The formal technique of "magic realism,"' Linda Hutcheon writes, '(with its characteristic mixing of the fantastic and the realist) has been singled out by many critics as one of the points of conjunction of post-modernism and post-colonialism' (131). Her tracing the origins of magic realism as a literary style to Latin America and Third World countries is accompanied by a definition of a post-modern text as signifying a change from 'modernism's ahistorical burden of the past': it is a text that 'self-consciously reconstruct[s] its relationship to what came before' (131). The post-modern is linked by magic realism to 'post-colonial literatures [which] are also negotiating....the same tyrannical weight of colonial history in conjunction with the past' (131). Before discussing magic realism in Midnight's Children, a brief definition of the term "post-colonialism"as I intend to use it in this essay will aid the clarification of the links made between Hutcheon's theory and the following analysis of Rushdie's text. Ania Loomba argues that post-colonialism is a loose term. She notes that the prefix "post"....implies an "aftermath" in two senses - temporal, as in coming after, and ideological, as in supplanting. It is the second implication which critics of the term have found contestable: if the inequities of colonial rule have not been erased, it is perhaps premature to proclaim the demise of colonialism. A country may be both postcolonial (in the sense of being formally independent) and neo-colonial (in the sense of remaining economically and/or culturally dependant) at the same time. (7) .. ...Helen Tiffin, eds. The Post-colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1995. Durix, Jean-Pierre. "Salman Rushdie: Interview." Kunapipi4.2 (1982): 17 - 26. Hutcheon, Linda. "Circling the Downspout of Empire." Ashcroft, Bill et al., 130 - 5. Loomba, Ania.Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London: Routledge, 1998. Mishra, Vijay. "The Texts of Mother India." After Europe.Ed. Stephen Slemon and Helen Tiffin. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1989. 119-37. Monaco, James, ed. The Virgin International Encyclopedia of Film. London: Virgin, 1992. Pattayanak, Chandrabhanu. "Interview with Salman Rushdie." Literary Criterion 18.3 (1983): 19 - 22. Rushdie, Salman. Midnight's Children. London: Vintage, 1995. Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. London: Vintage, 1994. Slemon, Stephen. "Magic Realism as Post-Colonial Discourse". Canadian Literature 116 (1988): 9 - 24.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Erewhon and Walden Two: Essay -- Comparative, Butler, Skinner

Close your eyes. Listen. What do you hear? Do you hear the gentle hum of a computer? Do you hear the noise of a distant radio or television? Do you hear the constant drone of a fan? Do you hear anything at all? Most likely you are near some sort of technological device. Whether that be the calculator in your desk, the watch on your wrist, or the light bulb giving you the ability to read this essay (typed on a computer, by the way). The plain fact is that it is almost impossible to escape technology. It cannot be debated that our modern society has accepted the role of technology in the future of just about all aspects of our lives. We can see it in the economy, the military, domestically and internationally. To many the integration of technology is a great convenience, to others a great mishap. Technology is a central idea presented in both Samuel Butler’s Erewhon, as well as B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two. However, the two authors take a very different approac h to their perception of technology in a Utopian society. The societies of Erewhon, and Walden Two, both recognize technology as a means to make life easier, however, their societal perceptions of technology and its affects on their future differ. Butler in Erewhon, and Skinner in Walden Two, both relate that technology is means to make life easier. And while, each utopia has a different view on the effects of that technology it is important to note this distinctive similarity. The society of Erewhon has a very distinct negative view on any type of technology. However, Butler is very careful to note that technology does help to improve a person’s condition and ability to succeed. For instance Gibbs translates one author’s view on machines as s... ...whon the key to the future of society is the repression of technology, the key to the future of Walden Two is embracing technology. In conclusion, technology is viewed by both of these utopian societies as a way to improve life. This in itself is not very ground shaking or surprising. However, it is essential to note in order to understand the great difference between the two Utopias. One embraces technology and encourages its exploitation, innovation and production as a way to further the individual’s and society’s happiness. The other on the other hand views technology as evil, something to be hidden and destroyed. It is seen as a danger not only to the physical attributes of society but also their future freedom. Thus, both societies understand that technology is useful, but differ in their views on societal perspectives and its effects on the future.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Philosophy on Teaching :: Education Teachers Learning Classroom Essays

My Philosophy on Teaching It became clear to me that I wanted to become an Elementary teacher when I was given the opportunity to attend Hinton Elementary School as a student volunteer to read to the first grade class during my junior year of High School. It was on this day that I realized that teaching is what I truly want to do with my life. Given the opportunity to read to the first graders and being able to get to know each of them filled a special place in my heart. After reading a few of my favorite childhood books to the first graders, I gave them the opportunity to read and sound out some of their favorite books to me. I am very grateful that I was given such an opportunity, such an eye opening experience – which helped me to realize that this is what I want to do with my life – Teach. Every teacher has an opinion as to what the best teaching method is. While each method has many advantages and disadvantages, I have chosen direct instruction as my main teaching method. To me, it seems to be more direct and easier to understand for elementary students. Direct teaching is also known as systematic, active, or explicit teaching. In this set, the teacher is a strong leader that develops, structures and teaches by having an academic focus point. With the emphasis on the importance of a structural lesson, the presentation of new information is followed be student practice and teacher feedback. A teacher must have a lot of patience with the younger children. It is often the case that students will fall behind because they have not yet mastered the basic skills of the given subject. With the direct teaching process, the children are able to receive several opportunities to enhance their learning and make them understand subjects more clearly. By refreshi ng their memories, using repetition, giving homework, and asking questions, a teacher can better understand the children and allow them to learn in a proper manner. The younger children can learn, remember and understand instead of just memorizing the information to get through a test and forgetting it after the test is over.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Icloud Technology Essay

Cloud computing is not necessarily a new technology, but it is one that has become much more popular in the past few years. It is a technology that has been improved upon and more companies are relying on cloud computing for their hardware, software, and storage needs. What is Cloud Computing? There are several definitions of what exactly cloud computing is. The simplest explanation is that cloud computing is a means of renting computers, storage, and network capacity on an hourly basis from a company that already has these resources in its own data center and can make them available to you and your customers via the Internet (Smith, 2009). Cloud computing comes in three main formats: Infrastructure-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) (Howarth, 2009). Infrastructure-as-a-service provides access to server hardware, storage and bandwidth (2009). Platform-as-a-service provides basic operating software and may also include services such as database access, user interface, message queues, and application servers (2009). The last model is software-as-a-service (SaaS), which provides customers with access to complete software applications that are often integrated with other users to prove greater functionality for the customer (2009). Positive Aspects of Cloud Computing Prior to cloud computing, there were related services that offered certain or limited services, but not all the services were combined, as they are with cloud computing. Small- and mid-size businesses are signing up for cloud computing, as their goal is to eliminate as much internal IT services as possible (Shacklett, 2011). Cloud computing allows a company to use the services that they see fit for their needs and use as much computing power as them deem necessary on an hourly basis (Smith, 2009). As the demand for internal or external users shrinks or expands, the necessary software, hardware, storage, and network capacity can be added or subtracted as needed (Smith, 2009). The equipment is not kept at the company using the cloud computing service. It does not require upgrades to the electrical system, modifications of the cooling system, additional floor space, or expansion of the IT staff (Smith, 2009). The cloud computing company handles the storage and service of the equipment needed. The last advantage is that there are competing providers for cloud computing services (Smith, 2009). If you are not happy with the current company, you have the choice to move your business to a different company that offers the services that you need. Disadvantages of Cloud Computing The biggest concern or disadvantage of cloud computing is security. The geographical location of the data in a cloud computing environment will have a significant impact on the legal requirements for protection and handling of the data (Bowen, 2011). The laws of the host country apply to the data on the machines (Smith, 2009). Most businesses are hesitant to allow their internal data to be stored on a computer that is outside of their own company and could potentially be stored with another company’s application (Smith, 2009). To date, there has been no breach of client-to-client data, which could be due to sufficient security or because there has been no value in this type of breach (Smith, 2009). There have also been variations of performance when running applications on the cloud (Smith, 2009). Cloud computing services have crashed and become unavailable for several hours or days. When this happens, all your services are off-line until the problem is corrected (Smith, 2009). It may appear as if cloud computing has an unlimited amount of computers and storage disks to meet the needs of customers. As cloud computing becomes more popular and widely used the amount of computers and storage disks may become somewhat limited. Relation of cloud computing to a Biblical Ethical Worldview When a business uses cloud computing they are putting their trust into another company with their personal and business information. The cloud computer company must protect the information as if it were their own. Recommendation of Cloud Computing I believe I would use cloud computing if I were starting or operating a small- to mid-size business. To have access to the hardware, software, and storage capacity of the changing and growing computer industry, it is a good alternative to actually purchasing the equipment or software. Projections of Cloud Computing Cloud computing will continue to grow in popularity. As more businesses look for ways to cut cost, cloud computing will eliminate the need to have the storage space, money needed to purchase and upgrade equipment and to have the technical knowledge to handle problems that arise. Conclusion The popularity of mobile devices is growing rapidly in the business world. To be able to have the software needed downloaded on the mobile devices, as needed, will be a huge benefit to businesses. Cloud computing will also help companies that have several different locations throughout the world connect to the same network, using the same software, when needed. Security will always be a concern, whether the data is stored in-house or at an off-site location. Reputable companies are quickly joining the cloud computing business and although there still may be breaches, the more reputable the company, the better the consumer feels about storing their data off-site. Cloud computing will be a huge benefit to businesses as technology continues to change and grow.

How Oil Shaped Post War World Essay

†If one commodity can claim credit for the startling advances seen in the world in the 20th century, in particular in developed industrialized countries, it was crude oil- soon to be dubbed ‘black gold’. † Oil became an influential substance in the post war times, economically and also in shaping countries’ foreign policies. Whichever countries controlled oil controlled much of the world’s policies. After the increase in industrialisation and manufacture in the post war times, oil became a ‘must have’ resource, for a nation, in order for that nation to grow economically and become a self-sustaining state. The first Bush administration reiterated the need to invade the Gulf as, â€Å"a way to defend our way of life† in the form of acquiring and maintaining the supply of cheap oil into the American interior. Post war rebuild was the main agenda as most nations fought to rebuild their states from the damages sustained during the two World Wars. A drastic rise in the demand for oil in the world became eminent and those nations that held oil resources had substantial advantage over those that did not have easy access to it. In this essay, an outline of the role oil played in shaping post war worlds will be clearly discussed showing the various policies implemented by different nations in order to acquire the imperative resource. The general change from coal energy to oil energy was a catalyst for the increase in the rate of industrialisation. According to Yergin, Industrialisation sped up rapidly between the years 1949 and 1972. With economic recovery as the main focus of most nations affected by the catastrophes of both World Wars, oil had a vital role to play in each of the nation’s policies. With oil consumption tripling in each and every state, governments had to accommodate for the low death rates which increased population, high employment demand and increase in consumption which meant more oil had to be imported in order for general recovery to be implemented. Japan, regarding the devastation of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings, is one of the most prominent in wide spread economic recovery quickly declared they were free from post war recovery in the early 1960s as a result of their adoption of oil for industry. Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed in Baghdad, Iraq on the 14th of September 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Its formation was largely associated with the grievances Arab nations had against the exploitive multinational Oil Companies that were gradually reducing oil prices to suit their Western home lands, had become powerful within the states they operated in and the oil companies boycott of the decree to nationalise all oil resources by Arab governments. OPEC meant to take over the oil market and have the power to decide for themselves the price and production levels of the resources that were within their nation’s interior. With the successful capture of the oil resource by the Middle East nation, came large and untimed variations in price, production levels and the general supply of crude oil to the rest of the world. United States of America and other global economies, already hard felt with other problems, were now vulnerable to Middle East oil policies which could affect their nations’ economies and social well beings. Looking into post war Iraq, Saddam Hussein’s era was characterised by the need for money to fund his expansion of uniting Arab nations into one nation under his political and Ba’athist ideologies. Hussein had Iraq export of crude oil as his main source of income however he met obstacles such as the Kuwait and United Arab Emirates (UAE) who had switched the OPEC policies to produce and sell oil at a fixed rate in order to gain demand along as a substantial profit. Kuwait and UAE were now producing more oil than agreed in Baghdad in 1960 which resulted in more supply of oil than demanded thus reducing the price of crude oil to less than $3 a barrel. Saddam’s retaliation was to threaten Kuwait and UAE with potential invasion if they did not adjust to the previously agreed policies to stabilise oil prices. Result was a Kuwait confirmation to Saddam’s demands but however led to a feud for aid funds which led to Iraqi army invasion of Kuwait. America’s invasion of Iraqi territory was highlighted as one of the most controversial foreign policies to have been implemented by the American government. The Persian Gulf War first initiated by president George H. W. Bush and the 2nd Persian Gulf War, implemented by the son of the former named president; George W. Bush formed the most debated policies of post war era. Most studies have come up with their own reasons as to why America decided to advance on Iraq with most highlighting the need to establish a constant supply of oil at a reasonable price, while others studies have put out that America wanted strategic positioning over its allies and rivals, save Russia, of oil seeking nations. Although none have been verified by the American government, it is clear that the main reason for American invasion was for the sole purpose of solidifying American position in the oil market. President George, W. Bush, the then American president, stated himself that the war was, â€Å"to defend our way of life† this could be seen as a direct implication on the need to have oil, a resource that is needed in America to support their economy. In conclusion, oil plays a vital role in shaping the world post to the World Wars. It is seemingly hard to believe that world recovery from such a devastating war could only take less than 50years leaving very little sign that there was ever a war to begin with. America remains a major power within the world with oil reserves larger than any other nation; China now boasts the world’s largest economy and Japan have recovered substantially for a nation that had very little resources to work with.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Making Moral Decisions in Different Religious Context Essay

Does religion make a Difference to Moral decision making? Bibliography Declaration Introduction The title of my project is making moral decisions in different religious context. The initial aim was to gain insight into various world religions and determine if ones faith influences the decisions one makes. In order to achieve this goal the project will focus on seven religions differentiated by origin. Confucianism, Taoism both of Chinese origin, Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are of Semitic origin, Buddhism and Hinduism which are of Indian origin. Analysing the traditions, practices and belief systems will establish that moral guidelines exist within a religion and religious deity. These guidelines however do not force a decision upon an individual; belief systems simply guide a person in the correct direction toward a moral lifestyle. This in turn draws attention to decision making and how a human can act as a moral agent. The aim is to achieve knowledge and insight into questions such as how does one make a distinction between good and bad? What determines if an act is moral or immoral? Who and what is involved in the decision making process? Do certain factors such as background and life experience influence the choices one makes? These are the questions that will be addressed . Researching theologians and their perspective on the matter of moral decision making will clarify and shed light on the importance of the conscience and how an individual should evaluate a situation using a principle called the triple font theory. The concept of immorality shall be touched on in trying to find out if an act; although immoral does it constitute intrinsic evil? The final aim is to investigate morality in each specific religion, to achieve this objective the knowledge and information obtained from the research of previous topics will be put into practice in the different cultures. This project begs to ask the question, does religion make a difference to moral decision making? Chapter One: World view of seven world Religions. Religions of Chinese origins The Chinese traditions and religions share similar features and significant differences. The idea of nature is of huge importance and the concept of harmony with nature and oneself is the defining characteristic of the ancient Chinese belief system. There is an emphasis placed on the welfare and well being of the individual in the present life as opposed to a future one. What separates Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism is the meaning which is associated with nature. Confucianism places emphasis on the nature of the human. Taoism focuses on harmony with the universe and Chinese Buddhism sees an amalgamation of the nature of the universe with the nature of the self and also with the Buddha nature. Chinese people however have no difficulty in living by all three traditions and have no loyalties to any specific tradition. For this project the focus will be on Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism This belief system as stated previously is concerned with the nature of the human. The aim in one’s life is to become â€Å"fully human†. Their view of life is that nature was received by heaven. Achieving a good life is living by the will of heaven; this is only possible by living according to good human nature. Developing consideration for fellow beings and having a sense of humanity is essential. Family plays a huge role in Confucianism as it is where these values are first established. Confucius was a man born in 552BC and died in 479BC. He was born in a period known as the spring and autumn period in the independent state of Lu. He was well educated and had an enormous interest in the history of his people. At twenty two years of age he opened a school where he educated others. He was later promoted to office of minister of justice. Confucius introduced a moral order never seen before and the state prospered from the changes. He tried to tackle the state of Lu to conform to his teachings yet failed; the preservation of a good government was not a priority for Lu.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Letter to Friend Congratulating on Sucess Essay

It gives me great pleasure that you have topped the list of successful candidates in the Board Examination. It is all the more delightful to learn that you have secured distinction in all the subjects and in Mathematics you have secured 99% marks. Your grand success is a matter of pride for your family, friends, teachers and our school as well. It is, in fact, the result of your hard work and dedication, sacrifice and concentration. You have been very consistent all along your studies. You never ignored your studies. It has paid well now. Indeed, it is a moment of celebration particularly for your parents who have been very careful for all your needs and comforts. This success has opened up the door to various opportunities for your career. You can get admission in any of the good colleges in India. A bright future awaits you. Your bright success has secured your career. Again my heartiest congratulations on the happy occasion I am confident you will maintain this performance in future. Keep upthespiritand be careful to your health and performance. We will met soon to have a treat. With lots of good wishes for a bright future. Yours sincerely, Rishika My Dear Pramod, I am glad to see your result in today’s Rakasthan Patrika. Your outstanding performance in the RAS examination has secured you a good rank. I conveyed this happy news to my father who was sitting beside me. He too was overjoyed. I thank god for his kindness and wish you a bright future. You have been intelligent and diligent in your school and college days. Certainly, your success is due to god’s grace as well as your hard work and timely guidance of your respected parents. Keep it up! You will be of great asset to your family and more over to this nation. Please guide your sister also to overcome her IAS examinations which are due in November. Please convey my respectful compliments to your parents. Again, congratulations to you! Yours sincerely, Raj Kumar

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lesson Plan for Pain Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lesson Plan for Pain Management - Assignment Example The American Pain Society labeled it as the â€Å"5th Vital Sign† (Campbell, 1995, as cited in Smeltzer & Bare, 2003, p. 217). As with all vital signs, doctors and allied health personnel continuously strive to keep it within acceptable parameters to maintain homeostasis. Pain management â€Å"encompasses all interventions used to understand and ease pain, and, if possible, to alleviate the cause of pain† (Krapp, 2002, p. 1804). It means that pain management is not just the intervention but also the assessment, evaluation, and continuous monitoring of pain. To better understand and treat pain, it is important to know how it is produced and transmitted to the brain. Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn (2006) talk about â€Å"noxious stimuli – a term for anything that damages the body† (A closer look section, "Pain: Sound the Alarm, But Pain Me Not!", Pain reception, para. 1), and how it can start a whole avalanche of chemical and neurological reactions which, rea ching the brain, translate into pain. Different pain management techniques affect various body parts which may be involved in that reaction. Understanding specifically how an intervention works on pain is a key to choosing the best intervention for all kinds of pain. This lesson is geared to teaching students about different kinds of pain and how they affect the body; factors and barriers that may affect pain and pain management; proper and accurate pain assessment and the different tools used; different interventions, both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic, and the formulation of nursing care plans used in the management of pain. We also tackle some specifics such as the World Health Organization's â€Å"three step ladder approach† to pain intervention. Objectives: - Given five minutes of the time, students will elaborate two of the four concepts of physiology of pain as discussed in class. -For fifteen minutes prior to the discussion proper, students will discuss common mi sconceptions about pain. - Given a situational example, students will describe three technological applications in pain management. - In an oral presentation, students will identify ten of the 12 discussed pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for pain. - Given a hospital scenario involving a child, students will discuss the role and responsibilities of the nurse in the pain management. - Given five minutes of the class time, students will identify and explain three out of the four components of pain assessment discussed in class. - Given a situation that involves a 65-year old woman with back pain and shortness of breath, students will develop a nursing care plan and evaluate the patient’s response to the pain management. -Without the aid of class notes, student will describe two out of the three identified barriers to effective pain management. Teaching/Learning theory: 1. Experiential Learning Theory – This is the learning theory developed by Carl Ro gers, applied primarily to adult learners. This learning theory designates the teacher as a facilitator of learning since everyone has the potential to learn (Zimring, 1994, pp. 411-422). Rationale: According to Zimring (1994), experiential learning contains a principle that involves doing, living, and acting out what you have learned to make it more meaningful (pp. 411-422). Pain management is an applied skill. Through its application (i.e. by role play activity), learning can be made more meaningful. Another principle of experiential lear